Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

----- Xiaolin temple the next day -----

The sunlight was peeking through the curtains of Raimundo's room as the light shined into his eyes causing him to wake up with a groan, covering his eyes from the light before it tried to blind him. Feeling the same way he did when he fell asleep last night. He sluggishly sat himself up on his mat rubbing his eyes and letting a yawn out. He pulled himself up off the floor getting ready for the new day with who knows what is in store for him as he changed from his pj's into his monk clothes.

Once all dressed and hair not a mess, he look a look into the mirror with under his eyes slightly dark colored and ripped off the band aid that was on his face where one of Kaiser's throwing knives cut him. Stepping out of his room as he started to head for Kari's room; however Raimundo stopped in his tracks half way there as he remembered she was PISSED at him and she probably still was. He thought Kari would hit him with something since she couldn't yell or she would still try to yell at him only to flail angrily while her mouth moved. Thinking that Kimiko would be best suited to go check on Kari, he started to walk to Kimiko's room to ask her to check on Kari for him.

After a little while of walking Raimundo stood outside of Kimiko's room. "Hey Kimiko." Raimundo called out sounding kinda awful from being tired and many other different emotions that were running amuck on the inside. Kimiko opened her door, dressed in her robes. She smiled.

"Morning Rai, what's up?" She asked kindly, quickly noticing his facial expression. "You feeling ok? Are you sick or something?" Kimiko stood on her toes and felt his forehead with her right hand while feeling hers with her left hand. "You don't have a fever..." She hummed in thought, keeping her hand on his forehead. Raimundo lightly moved Kimiko's hand from his forehead as he shook his head in a no motion answering if he was sick.

"I'm fine don't worry about it. Would you be able to do be a favor though and check up on Kari for me though? I doubt she wants to me my face first thing in the morning." Raimundo asked as he said thought words were like throwing knives to the heart. Kimiko frowned, she hated seeing Raimundo like this. She nodded and grabbed her PDA off the counter.

"Sure. I'll do that for you Rai." She stated then left and went to Kari's room. Once she stood in front of Kari's room she knocked on the door. "Kari? You up?" Kimiko heard rustling then quick foot steps as if Kari was running around in a panic. Kari then opened the door quickly, dressed in her robes, with a flustered look as she rubbed her neck and pointed to her mouth, trying to say "KIMIKO!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE?! I CAN'T SPEAK!!" Kimiko smiled kindly.

"Easy Kari. It's ok. Here, you can use my PDA to speak with us. This will give us time to figure out what's wrong." Kimiko stated, even though she knew why Kari had no voice she did not tell her since she was in stage one when she lost her voice which meant she would have to bring it up, risking the chance of killing Kari. Kari smiled and took the PDA and began to type with the stylist.

"Thank you Kimi! You're the best!" Kari smiled up at her and Kimiko ruffled her hair.

"No prob. Come on, let's go eat." Kimiko walked off but Kari stood there.

"Not hungry..." Kimiko heard the PDA then turned to Kari and frowned.

"But Kari--"

"I'm not hungry... I'm gonna go stretch and get ready for today's training..." Kari then walked off after putting the PDA in her pocket. Kimiko frowned and went to eat breakfast, just waiting to hear someone ask where she was. Raimundo was walking to breakfast hoping that Kari was alright and maybe in a better mood now that she was able to get some sleep. Clay watched as Kimiko came in with a sad look on her face.

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