Chapter 8

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----- Xiaolin Temple same night -----

Raimundo stared at Kari in slight shock. "Kari? Is everything alright?" Master Fung called and opened the door. He soon saw Raimundo on his knees and Kari by the mirror, quickly noting her new star marking. "Kari?"

"Argh! Why do you keep calling me by that name? I am Ahknam!" Kari snapped and Master Fung sighed.

"I was hoping this would happen in the morning... But oh well. Raimundo, come with me, bring Ka-- er um Ahknam with you to the scroll room. I'll explain everything to the other's later." Raimundo got up as he looked to Ahknam, who was in Kari's body, and motioned for him to follow behind. Ahknam followed with his arms crossed. Raimundo guided the way to the scroll room as they got there in no time.

"Master Fung please tell me what's going on." Raimundo pleaded very confused as to what happened to Kari. Master Fung sighed.

"It is very simple. Both blood lines of dragons can communicate with the dragon's before them through the other side. But their bodies are used in the process. I'm surprised Kari was able to do this so early on. It takes many years to do this."


"Easy, just think of something from your time, like something you did... Like winning a battle. You're the the third dragon, correct?" Ahknam nodded. Master Fun sighed.

"You should know how to do this by now then." Master Fung stated.

"It has been very long since I came back to the living. I forgot. Not only that but I was summoned by a child for the first time in the Copying dragon's history!" Kari's body began to glow and the star marking vanished.

"... huh...? What happened?"

"Nothing just a dream... Go back to bed. Raimundo, stay here I need to... Talk with you." Kari blinked then left them be and Master Fung looked at Raimundo. "What happened before this?" Raimundo looked to Fung.

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk, and I was passing by Kari's room until I heard talking. I went to listen and I busted in when I figured out is was Hannibal Bean. He was trying to take her away something about an offer she couldn't resist, but she refused to go. He must of said something that upsetted her a lot because she was crying. Please don't tell her I told you, I only tell you because I'm concerned about her and she was in stage one also." Raimundo finished talking. Master Fung frowned, worried about Kari.

"I fear that the seed that Chase has planted in Kari is about to sprout soon..." He muttered. "Raimundo, go back and get some sleep. I... I need to meditate on this..." Master Fung then left the room and went to his own. Raimundo had to run by Kari's since he dropped his teddy bear before he busted into the room, can't go to sleep without that could him. Quickly picking up his teddy before going to room finally feeling tired and happy knowing Kari was safe in her room. After a few minutes he got into his room, and right as he laid on his mat holding his teddy bear Raimundo fell right to sleep.

---- Chase's Palace next day ----

It was early in the morning as everyone was asleep in their rooms. Kaiser was sleeping with Snowflake curled up next to her as black "X" appeared under her left eye as on side of the "x" the line was longer ending near the crook of her lip. Kaiser woke up rubbing her eyes before sitting up in bed.

"Wonder what's going to happen today." Kaiser said as she got up to go brush her hair as she looked to the mirror and stopped and looked at her face confused. "W-what the heck is this, did that idiot Jack come back to draw on my face or something." Kaiser said as she was going to hit him when she saw him. But all of a sudden it glowed purple as something took over her.

Xiaolin showdown collab with lizzy30 Legendary twoWhere stories live. Discover now