Choices are man-made

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"So I'm slave? Not what I excepted this year.."

From the moment you wake up, you're presented with options and opportunities

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From the moment you wake up, you're presented with options and opportunities. It's only your call if you wish to take action. Of course, the outcome could be anything, despite how the choice was made.

Which is why I'm assuming that's the reason I'm tied up on a chair in the Host club. I don't exactly know where I am, or what's happening around me. I just know I'm in the host club, that's all I know.

Hm... Most likely it's because I befriended Haruhi and before that I was seen staring at them. Geez, I probably do look like a creep!

This is what i mean by outcomes, opportunities, and such. I took the opportunity to make my first friend since moving here, but my previous actions caused this. Who knows, maybe this still would've happened with other one or the other.

That's how fate is, I suppose. Hopefully, fate doesn't make me late for my ride home. I don't remember the way back and i don't plan on getting a ride from someone random. Don't want a repeat of last time.

The creak of a door opened it was right in front of me. Now sunlight was slowly making the eye cover slightly transparent, letting me see the figures of my captors.

I felt the fabric that was covering my eyes move from behind, somebody was messing with the tight knot that refrained from the piece of fabric from getting loose and falling.

Soon, I was able to see my surroundings. But my eyesight was blurry thanks to the lack of sight that had been withheld from it for the past hour or so.
When my sight finally returned and the light didn't bother me as much anymore, I saw where I was held in. A closet, a fricking closet.

"You! Y/N Godfrey, what were you doing conversing with my daughter during class?!" A loud blonde spoke, his leg was propped up on a chair while his other one was holding him up on the floor. A finger pointing at me accusingly, as a certain pair of ginger twins stood on both sides idlily.

"Senpai, we were just talking." The person next to me sighed, I looked down and saw them untying my rope fastened around my body to the chair. Oh haruhi's a girl!

WAIT WHAT? Haruhi, the one that I know I've been wondering if she was a boy or girl, but has been called a boy by the entire school is girl? A female? A child maker? I know I really shouldn't be surprised as I had my own suspicions but still!

My eyes widened and I blinked twice at her with an 'O' shaped mouth. "aha..", I nervously laughed as I took Haruhi's hand to lift me up from the chair that I've been attached for an hour. "Thank you.."

"It's okay, don't worry about-" She was cut off by the loud blonde, attacking her with a pounce. "Haruhi! Why are you acting so casual with her?!" I sweatdropped and backed up slowly, bumping into a firm and strong figure. By strong I mean this dude was practically attached to the floor. "S-sorry!" I looked up at the guy, a stoic face looking down upon me.

I moved past him, towards the door. My back pressed against the wall next to the door, I scanned the members. Should I really go? I mean, it'd be really embarrassing if the door was locked or something. "Nuh-uh!" An arm on each side of my lifted me up, how in the world are these guys so strong? They're so lanky..

And of course it's the gingers. "Y/N Godfrey, the youngest of your family yet you're the heir. Who do you think will become heir after your parents dethrone you?" A ravenette spoke up, pushing his glasses up and sending a white glare from them. "I'm sorry?"

"Well, if word got out that you were stalking a certain individual, what would your parents want? Someone who could potentially get their company out of business because of the allegations or choose another heir?"

WAHH? There's no way! He's threatening me over something so little? I wasn't even stalking anybody!

"And if you do choose to back yourself up. Whose word do you think they would believe? A group of 7 men that are commonly known around campus and trusted or a new exchange student with no friends?" He smirked at me with closed eyes, he seemed to enjoy this very much.

"Where are you even getting with this?" I questioned, tilting my head and narrowing my eyes. A short blonde beamed at me and said this with the biggest smile, "We want you to be the club's dog!"

"Those words do not match your face.." I deadpanned but obviously my input was ignored by everybody in the room. "Wait, but senpai, she doesn't have debt with us? Isn't that how it works?" Haruhi piped in, clearly trying to back me up.

"Well dear Haruhi.. You must take the chance for everything!" The annoying blonde spoke again, striking a pose while pointing at her. Me and haruhi sweatdropped and exchanged glances. "Maybe uh.. not like that?" I added, but I was yet again ignored.

"Starting today, you are now the host clubs dog!" The annoying blo- oh em gee. When are they going to introduce themselves? Whatever, he pointed a finger at me enthusiastically. "So I'm a slave? Not what I excepted this year.."

Some of the host club seemed to have forgotten about me, as they were now conversing with each other about an event or something really boring that I'm gonna even bother remembering. Silence has now filled my surroundings, I had tuned out everybody around me until I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

"Sorry about them, they tend to be very.. uh, carefree?" Haruhi said, looking very sorry for what had happened. "You can leave now, by the way." She finished. I blinked twice and let out a breath of air, "Yeah, thank you.. Can we walk out together? I need to talk to you."

She seemed a little taken aback but nodded hesitantly, we grabbed our belongings and looked back at everyone, still talking about the event. We walked through the the halls quietly before I cleared my throat and spoke up, "So, you're a girl?"

My words were nothing more than a whisper but she paused, "Yeah.. I'm pretending to be a boy, so the host club refers to me as a him as well as our guests," looking back up, she continued, "so just call me one, I don't know what we'd do if word gets out."

"Ah, so you're a cross-dresser? No offense, but your friends seem like the type to call you a witch and burn you at the stake for being one." She laughed lightly, "Well I have to go this way, see you tomorrow Y/N!"

END OF 'Choices are man-made'.

♡Love-letter secrets!♡:

-Haruhi considers Y/N to be a close enough (more like sane) friend to be called by her first name!

-Y/N didn't notice the shift of the last-name basis they were on previously.

-Kyoya had your parents number on speed-dial if you refused

-Y/N's appearance in the school has gained traction! Why? Because she's not from there. Take that as you will

- When Y/N came back from school, Kyomi gave her a giant teddy bear she was begging for the day before

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