tired eyes and sore knuckles

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Lydia Martin

3:32 AM

I looked at my digital clock, it was 3 in the morning and I couldn't go to sleep. It was a night were my mind was still running on some sort of endless fuel, my eyes were burning and tired. And I just couldn't go to sleep. I had school the next day, too. Perfect. Just perfect. And it's all stilinski's fault. Not entirely, but you get the point. I tossed and turned. My phone buzzed, and I picked it up. Guess who. Stiles. I had over 50 messages and they were from him.

stilinski: Lydia?

stilinski: please answer for the love of God.

stilinski: Lydia Martin, answer your fucking phone. Right now.

And so on. The messages kept going and going. He was actually still texting me, even after I read them and didn't respond. We were friends I guess, but why does he even care?

Lyds: you're wasting your time, stiles. We haven't seen each other in a while, everyday I'm losing you in a crowd of faces. And now we're further apart. I don't expect you to respond either. Just leave me alone. Bye.

Stiles Stilinski

3:59 AM

I had Bastille blaring from my headphones, and at this point, I didn't care if I went deaf or not. All I cared was about Lydia. And right now, she was kinda done with me. I kept re-reading her text message. Like a song on repeat.

My dad wasn't home, late night shift. And that's why I was so glad I would be able to scream. I got up and yelled at the top of my lungs, "why Lydia?" Why are you doing this to me? Don't you get it? I'm dating someone else, and hurts to love you. And I try so hard to keep up with you. But your head's in the clouds. And I'm still here. I got up from the floor and brought my fist close to face. And I punched the wall several times, until they felt numb. Little did she know that I was quickly reaching my breaking point. I paced back and forth, back and forth.

Was she?

It's like she wasn't affected by this. This caused me to overthink and with that I destroyed everything in my path. More like my whole room. Making a hole in my wall, knocking down my entire desk, shattering bottles, breaking things. I stood back and looked at the mess I made. I muttered under my breathe, "Pretty sure if my emotions could be physically seen, it would be worse then fucking mess."

I ended up trying to sleep again, and this time I got knocked out cold. Not because I was tired physically,

but emotionally and mentally all together.

- - -

Lydia Martin

6:50 AM

I woke up to the unpleasant sound of my alarm clock, I forgot I had school. I got up from my bed, and realized it was Friday, "Just one more day, Lydia and you'll have the weekend all to yourself. Hopefully." I whispered to myself. I really didn't want to have plans with anyone this weekend. I just wanted it all to myself, to relax. Something I don't do often because of all this supernatural shit, if you know what I mean.

I honestly didn't want to go school. I have at least two classes with Stiles and the rest with Malia. I mean she likes me, it's just that whenever something is up with Stiles and she notices it, she immediately goes to me, thinking I have something to do with it. And guess what? I usually do have something to do with it.

I groaned and I realized I spent about 8 or so minutes, overthinking this whole situation. So much for a relaxing weekend if this problem will still exist after today. I ignored the fact that I actually feel like today felt like everything was going to go bad, but hey. I'll take a chance.

Stiles Stilinski

I ran into school, looking for Scott, almost freaking out. My palms were sweating and my heart beat raced. I bumped into him and a wave of relief washed over me, "Hey, have you seen Lydia? It's really important." I looked around the halls anxiously, but no sight of her strawberry blonde hair.

"Dude, chill out. You look like you're about to go into a shock and have some sort of heart attack." Little did he know I probably could have one. Oh yeah, is it normal for your heart to be doing backflips? Probably not.

Scott said as he opened his locker. I rolled my eyes at him, "I might as well, because I fucked up so badly last night that if getting into jail for this was possible, I'd be in there for life." Hey! I'm the you-fucked-up police, you're under arrest! Yeah. I paced back and forth and cracked my knuckles. Shit, that still hurt a lot. I forgot about my wall punching incident last night.

His eyes widen at my response, "Are you serious?" I pursed my lips, "Uh, yeah. And Lydia probably won't even say a word to me the whole senior year." Hopefully she wouldn't ignore me. I mean she couldn't even if she tried, we have some project due in three weeks or so.

I bit my nail, "-Hey, but you can't tell Kira or Malia." I processed what I just said, "Actually scratch that out, they'll find out anyways."

Scott tilted his head to the side and cringed at the sight of my hands, "What happened, Stiles? Don't tell me you-" I hide my hands behind my back and cut him off before he could continue. "Yeah. I did it. But, Lydia is driving me crazy, and it's not crazy in love. More like crazy-I'm-losing-my-mind type of crazy in love." Scott winced at my sentence. "It's really that bad? You have to talk to her."

I groaned, "I want to, it's just that it'll forever cause me emotional pain." Scott nodded, "But if you don't... It'll still cause you pain. What's better? Letting her know what happened? Or forever keeping it boxed up and to yourself?" He did have a point there. Why is he always right?

God dammit, Scott.

Lydia Martin

Class was going to start in about ten minutes and I was still in the school parking lot. "I can't do this." I said to myself while looking in the car mirror. Shit, I have to. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, and finally got out of the car.

I pushed the doors open, walking into hell. My favorite place everrrrr. Not. I walked past Malia, and turnedwent back to go to talk to her. I need to know if she say Stiles already. My first class was with him, but I didn't want to get my hopes. I greeted her with a smile, "Hey, have you seen stilinski anywhere?" Malia looked confused, I rarely look for Stiles but this was important.

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