Part 1

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As the sun rose in the kingdom of Allyria early Friday morning, A knock was heard on Princess Roxan's door. she stirred and signed not wanting to be awoken just yet.

"Who is it?"

the princess asked tiredly

"It's your mother please get ready we have big plans today,"

The voice of the queen replied softly

"Yes Mother"

Roxan said as she san up on her bed her mother walked away from her door and Roxan proceeded to sit on her bed for a minute and began to ponder whatever plans her parents have for the day.

'They never tell me the plans till the last minute. I hate it,' the princess thought to annoyance.  As she stood up to start getting ready she walked to her closet and flipped through her large assortment of dresses. She signed and finally settled on a dress, it was a dark green flowing dress with long flared sleeves that went down to her ankles and to make her slim frame more visible she slid on a pair of white heels. She then walked to her desk where she brushed her long wavy red hair and looked at herself in her mirror. Her emerald green eyes stared back

"I hate wearing dresses all the time.."

she mumbled to herself. Roxan walked over to her window and opened the curtains. She looked out her window to see the view of the beautiful royal garden while in the back a forest and river being surrounded by the large trees still visible as it flowed out of the forest away from the kingdom. She placed her hands on the bottom of the window frame and gazed out upon the land. As the sun rose higher in the sky the water sparkled due to the light shining on it. Roxan Lost track of time as she stared out of her window before hearing a call.

"Roxan dear come down," 

The queen said

Roxan sighed

"yes mother"

Roxan walked out of her room and headed down the large staircase. Her mother and father were waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"You look nice, but could be better"

her father said as he brushed off his shirt Roxan's calm serene look became slightly darker as her father said that to her. Quickly her mother spoke,

"Don't listen to him you look as gorgeous as ever dear"

the queen said trying to reassure her daughter.

"Thank you, mother, and Father you look fine as well"

Roxan replied and smiled softly with a hint of sadness from her father's words she folded her hands in front of her as she looked at her mom's long yellow dress

"Now let's go, the carriage is waiting for us"

said her father

Roxan nodded and followed her parents out the front of the castle. Her mom was in front of her and Roxan admired her mother's jewels in her hair leaving her with a jeweled half up half down hairstyle. They exited the door as the sun shone on Roxan's face, she squinted but loved the feeling of the warm air on her skin. Roxan smiled as she walked up to the carriage. It was a closed-topped carriage with leather seats and tall backs. In the front, right behind the wall of the seats where her parents normally sat was the driver's seat, big enough for two people. The seats were wooden, like the carriage, but were different from the rest of it due to the Leather on top of them. The two large White horses pulling the carriage made it seem mighty, yet on it were small details coming out of the wood, the small engraved vines, and flowers added the very subtle yet gorgeous to look at look to it. Roxan admired the powerful yet elegant carriage, even though she's ridden in it multiple times she still finds it interesting to look at. She noticed little details she's never noticed before despite how many times she's seen it. She trailed her fingers along some of the designs losing her grip on reality. She snapped back into reality breaking the trance the carriage had her in as the driver opened the small wooden door and folded down the steps. Quickly he offered each member of the royal family his hand to help them in. One by one they entered, First the King, then the Queen, then Roxan. As she climbed in she smiled warmly at the driver. She took her seat across from her mother and father as the door shut.

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