Part 5

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Early the next morning before the sun rose Roxan awoke to a soft but demanding knock on her door. She looked towards the door and then to her window when she saw no light peaking through the curtains she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"One moment please"

she said quietly unknowing who it was

"Hurry princess we don't have all day"

Thomas's voice rang through the door though it was quiet. Roxan stood up and walked over to her closet and flipped through her dresses until she found her most subtle dress it was a lose fabricante all the way down and stopped at her ankles. Quickly she brushed her hair and teeth and walked over to the door and opened it quickly as her eyes met Thomas's he spoke

"Wow this the most subtle outfit I've ever seen the Princess in"

He seemed shocked

"Oh hush up let's go."

Roxan replied quickly scurrying out of her room with Thomas close behind the two walked to the garden and that's where they stopped 

"We are practicing here?"

Roxan asked


"But isn't it too visible?"

"Only from your room my lady,"

Thomas replied as he picked up a sheathed sword

"here let me see how you hold this"

he handed the sheathed sword to Roxan she took it confusedly and held it by the handle in a strange way Thomas shook his head

"We have much to learn."

Thomas said as he walked towards the princess more

"Are you right handed or left handed?"

Thomas asked the princess while looking at her hand placement on the sword

"Right handed,"

Roxan replied watching Thomas closely

"Alright i need to to place your right hand on top of your left hand" 

Thomas said stepping back

"Like this?"

Roxan said as she placed her right hand on the back on her left hand

"No, put your right hand above your left hand on the handle" 

Thomas asked as he stepped closer

"May I?"

Thomas asked wanting to move her hands for better placement Roxan nodded and Thomas grabbed roxan's right hand putting it close to cross guard and slid her left hand closer to the pommel Roxan watched Thomas closely as he helped her hold the sword Thomas looked down at roxan and smiled softly before stepping away from her

"Good job princess you're holding a sword,"

Thomas said jokingly

"Very funny, now how do I use this thing?"

Roxan responded

"Here let me see it."

Thomas replied and reached for the sword. Roxan handed it to him and brushed her hands together. Thomas took the sheathed sword and starting going over moves with the Princess

The sun started to rise after about 2 hours of practice between the two. Roxan was worn out as she let out a large sigh.

"I think we have had enough practice today,"

Thomas said as he put his sword back on his hip

"I agree i'm going to shower thank you,"

Roxan replied as she walked inside quickly

"My honor princess,"

"Don't call me princess."

roxan said as she walked inside the castle disappearing from the sight of thomas. Quickly Roxan went upstairs to her quarters, locked her door, went to her bathroom and started the shower. After a couple of minutes the bathroom filled with steam from the hot shower. She hummed as she showered and once she finished little did she know it has already been Half an hour and time for breakfast. She heard a loud knock on the door of her bedroom as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. 

"One moment please,"

Roxan said loudly as she exited the bathroom. Quickly the Princess walked to her closet and put on a long green dress with a lighter green laced torso over the dark green fabric. Quickly she slipped on heels and ran to her vanity to brush her hair. She walked over to the bedroom door and opened it to meet the face of Thomas

"Oh hello Thomas,"

Roxan said slightly out of breath

"Hello Princess, breakfast is ready"

"Don't call me princess sire, and I'll be down in a minute."

"Well then if i can't call you princess then you mustn't call me sire, it's too formal for a simple guard like me"

"Okay Thomas, i'll be down in a jiffy,"

"I'll be outside your door waiting for you your highness"


Roxan said as she shut her bedroom door Quickly she used her towel to dry her hair at her vanity and ran her brush through it again. Then she took a long green ribbon that matched her dress and tied it in a bow making a simple half up half down style. Another knock was heard on her door.

"Are you almost ready Princess? Your food is getting cold" 

Thomas's voice rang through the door

In a cheeky manner Roxan replied

"Yes sire, I'm almost ready."

Roxan walked out of her room where she was greeted once more by Thomas he held out his hand as an escort for the princess to head down the stairs entering the royal dining room Thomas pulled out Roxan's chair for her to take a seat

"Thank you, sire."

roxan said softly

"My pleasure"

there was a slight pause


Thomas replied in a quiet yet cocky tone

"You have some nerve Thomas."

Roxan said as she looked up to him 

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