Part 2

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Prince Lucas came back with a young attractive boy, with brown hair and blue eyes, a soft smile and well cared for along with his sword and armor that seems to glow as the sunlight beams off of it. She couldn't help but stare at the lovely Guard walking towards her.  As he walked closer he had to look down slightly to the princess due to a height difference between the two. Roxan stared at him, studying him softly.

"The finest guard we've ever had"

Prince Lucas said as he beamed with Pride walking back towards the Royal Family. 'Finest Guard? why would he give him away like this then.' 

"It's my pleasure your majesties,"

Thomas said as he kissed the hand of Queen Amber. After a firm shake of the hand with King Darius, The king, queen, and Prince Lucas chatted for a minute. Roxan watched the young guard carefully and studied him for a minute more before he walked over to her once more away from the rest of the royals. 

"Hello Princess,"

he said as he kissed Roxan's hand lightly in greeting 'at least he said hello first' She refrained from Rolling her eyes again

"Hello, Sir Thomas." 

she said trying to sound proper as she removed her hand from Thomas's her stare never leaving him as her eyes raked his face

"You like what you see, princess?"

Thomas said with a smile and a teasing tone and a light chuckle. 

"Just Roxan is fine,"

She replied quickly breaking her stare at the young man Thomas saw that she shrugged off his comment and it made him smile once again. Queen Amber and King Darius walked towards the two and Queen Amber placed a hand on Roxan's shoulder signaling it's Time to go. Thomas caught on as he watched the King and Queen go towards the carriage.

"Shall we?"

Thomas asked Roxan nodded and they walked over to the carriage

"My lady,"

Thomas said as he offered to help her inside the carriage with his hand.

"Thank you,"

Roxan said as she placed her hand ontop of Thomas's accepting his help she climbed inside the carriage. Thomas shut the door and took his place next to the driver as they took off back toward the kingdom of Allyria. Once they arrived at the kingdom the sun started setting.

"Roxan go get ready for the party please,"

Queen Amber said as Roxan climbed out of the carriage with the help of Thomas's hand, 'ugh not this' she sighed to herself and was late to reply to her mother.

"Yes Mother, and thank you, Thomas"

Roxan forced her best fake smile to Thomas.

"My pleasure pr-," 

he stopped himself from saying 'princess' and smiled softly at himself. 


Thomas continued Roxan smiled again as Thomas walked close by to keep her safe. 'this is gonna be great.' she thought with sarcasm as Thomas walked close

"We will have our best maid give you a tour of our castle,"

King Darius said. Thomas nodded.

"Angelina, please come here,"

Queen Amber called as they all entered the building.

"Yes, your majesty?"

Angelina said as she walked over. She has Brown curly hair and Brown eyes she's shorter than roxan and she approached with her hands folded in front of her.

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