Part 3

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Alexander asked in a respectful tone he held out his hand for her to take if she accepted his invitation to dance Roxan smiled lightly and nodded.

"you may,"

she placed her hand in Prince Alexander's as the two entered the middle of the ballroom to dance Prince Alexander bowed once more and Roxan curtsied to him before he placed his arm around her waist and placed on her lower back, Roxan proceeded to place her hand on Prince Alexander's shoulder and they took hands with the other free hands before performing the moving box step dance. After a minute or two other couples stepped in and joined the dance Including Eliza and a young prince. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. After the dance which lasted around 10 minutes Prince Alexander spun Roxan one last time releasing her hand with a beautiful spin. Prince Alexander bowed once more as Roxan Curtsied.

"Your Highness,"

Alexander said while in his bow. Roxan smiled as Eliza came over with the prince she was previously. 

"Hello dear!"

Eliza said as she walked closer.

"Hello Eliza, oh um this is Prince Alexander,"

Roxan said as she pointed over to Alexander who was standing behind eliza with his hands behind his back

"Oh hello,"

Eliza said as she Curtsied to Prince Alexander

"Hello madam,"

Alexander said as he bowed to Eliza

He took Eliza's hand a kissed it lightly

"This dear is Prince Richard,"

Eliza said to Roxan

"Hello sir,"

Roxan curtsied to him and Prince Richard bowed

"Your highness,"

Prince Richard took Roxan's hand and kissed it lightly

" Would you like a refreshment Princess Roxan?"

Prince Alexander asked respectfully

"Sure, i'll come with you,"

Roxan says as she looks to Richard

"Pleasure meeting you sir,"

She curtsied once more

"As to you,"

Richard bowed

Roxan walked with Alexander over to the refreshment table and grabbed a cup,

"Shall we grab a refreshment for Sir. Richard and Madam. Eliza?" Alexander asked

"That's a great idea,"

Roxan grabbed another cup for Eliza and Alexander grabbed a cup for Richard the two walked back over to Richard and Eliza

" We got you drinks,"

Roxan said as she handed Eliza a cup

"Thank you darling!"

Eliza said as she took the two cups from Alexander and Roxan

"Here you go Richard," 

Eliza handed richard a cup

"Thank you," 

Richard responded, taking the cup. The four chatted for a while before more people kept coming over to Roxan and talking to her. Roxan started to feel stressed and overwhelmed by all the people. People talking from left and right all around her complimenting her and overlapping each other after it started to become too much for her to handle. Roxan closed her eyes and a hand grabbed her arm pulling her out of the group of people.

"Open your eyes roxan," 

Thomas's voice rang through her ears. She opened her eyes and she and Thomas were standing by the door of the ballroom.

"Are you alright, your Highness?" Thomas asked concerned

"I'm not sure, I just wanna go to my room." Roxan replied

"As you wish." 

Thomas said as he opened the door for roxan and invited her to exit Roxan walked out and went straight upstairs. Thomas close behind. He took his place by her bedroom door after roxan went inside and shut the door behind her. After about an hour he knocked.

"Your Highness, everyone has left the castle, is there anything you need?" 

Thomas asked

No answer,


Thomas knocked again

No answer

"Princess I'm coming in!" 

Thomas said loudly

He opened the door and Roxan was nowhere to be found. Her red dress was on her bed and her heels were at the foot of her bed


Thomas searched

After about 2 minutes he noticed the window was open.

'Crap she climbed out the window.' Thomas thought as he ran over to the Window. He looked out the window into the back garden and saw the princess in her nightgown watching the Koi swim in the Koi pond. He heard a noise that sounded like a twig snapping. Roxan turned around before someone grabbed her. A scream was heard and Thomas bolted out her room, 'CRAP' he thought as he went down the stairs, out the door, into the garden. In a flash he was there

"Release the princess now, and nobody gets hurt."

Thomas said in an aggressive tone as he looked at the person holding Roxan captive.

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