I need you😰

391 9 1

Quay Pov

I got up and started staring at my ceiling wondering why my baby has reached back yet I haven't been able to fall back asleep since he left

I picked up my phone as I heard it ringing and saw it was uncle Venzo

"Quay are you there with my baby" he said crying

"Is he okay we're on the way" he also said and I was confused as fuck

"Uncle what you talking bout he not too long left said he was going to the store to get snacks and stuff" I said sitting up in my bed

"You don't know yet" he said

"Know what?? What the fuck happened" I said getting irritated already

"He got shot he's in the hospital South side" he said as I quickly hang up and fling my phone at the wall

"Fuckkkkkkk!" I shouted grabbing my key going to my car

I quickly speed off reaching the hospital in minutes

I saw uncle Venzo and uncle Rejoin

"Where is he" I said walking up to them but uncle Venzo was just crying his heart out

"He's in surgery I just arrived they said he's in bad shape lost a lot of blood was was near his lungs Quay we don't know if-"

"No there will be no fucking if" I said walking away from him grabbing one of the nurses as I felt someone grabbing me

"Let me go bruh" I said tryna brush them off

"Quasani let go now" I heard my father's voice and did what was told

"Dad lemme me go bro" I said tears wellin up in my eyes

He held on to me tight as we walked out the hospital

"Dad please-"

"Listen to me Junior your going to calm down, we're going to walk in that hospital and we're going to sit and wait for the doctor to come back with the results, when we get those results then we handle business " he said in a calm and stern voice

"But Dad I can't just-"

"Unt unt no but Quasani, Look son I know you two have a relationship so close sometimes I think y'll married or twins, so son listen to me just wait do it for him Ok boy" he said

"Okay am Good now" I said as he let me go and we walked back in and I saw uncle Rejon pacing around and my papa confronting uncle Ven

I saw the a doctor came walking our way and stop infront of us

"Family of Vylo Spencer" she said as uncle Rejon answered

"Am doctor Smith and I will be taking care of him for the time he's here, The surgery went well but he has entered a coma we will have further progress when he wakes up you may go in and see him" she said

"Papi come let's go" uncle Rejon said holding his hand out for his husband

"Let's go Guys" he said again

"Y'll go I'll go when you come out" said leaning with my head in my hands..

They walked away left me as my mind started racing

'who the fuck did this to my baby's

'will he wake up'

'do I tell Pop's what we been doing'

'what the fuck do I do?'

'i miss my baby already mane'

"Hey baby daddy" I heard this annoying bitch

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