Chapter 5: Walk In The Park

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Now that I was a house cat, I had so much napping to do! My schedule was cut off because of me traveling and all, but now I had a lot of time! Before when I was a city cat, hunger and danger chased me all day, and sometimes, they won. I never liked it there, but when I had the sky to cheer me up, I loved it. It always said stuff like "You can do it! Just a few more miles!" But, now that I don't worry about that, I had other problems.

I MISSED the outside world! (which is very unlikely but bear with me) look, it was hard to survive there, and i didnt like all the running. But, I still loved it because it was my home. Now, I didn't have anywhere to run, go hide, and most of all, I didn't have the sky to cheer me on. Every day, I had to fight for my food, now I was FAT and I barely could walk after a meal.

I begged Alicia to take me outside, but instead she thought I was saying food, and that made me even MORE FAT. So, I tried more methods, but god didn't want me to go. All of them failed. ALL. OF. THEM.

So, I resorted to the least thing that I wanted to do... Escape. I didn't ever want to do this but I was desperate by now. I only had 9 lives and I didnt want to waste them being stuck in a house. So, I left. I really didn't want to do this but I needed to get fresh air. I knew she was worried about me because I saw a bunch of pictures of me hanging around here and there, but I just needed to be free for a period of time. But, what I didn't see was a dark and grim future ahead of me.

One day, I was just strolling around on a nice clean sidewalk, when I saw something that I never thought I would see again. Animal trappers. I was shocked, and I still didn't want to resort to biting or scratching because I knew that they had some kind of "shield" that protects them from my attacks. But, when I tried to run, my stupid brain stepped on the crunchiest twig EVER. If I was a human, I would probably have won an award for that but that didn't matter right now. As I was still taking in the satisfying moment, the animal trappers heard me and I dashed. At the moment, I was horrified, so I was not really thinking the second I was there. I crashed into a pole and the last thing I saw was the blurry vision of a young boy.

When I regained consciousness, I found out that I was in a cottage. It was cozy and sweet but there wasn't much there. Everything looked old and ragged until I spotted a ruined leather couch. I shot up like a bullet and raced over to it to do some much needed clawing. I was just enjoying my day when the same boy as earlier showed up in ragged clothes. I was frightened when the thought came that he saved me. I was still on edge when he got close but I started to warm up to him when he brought me some food. It wasn't fresh but I'd take what I could eat at the moment.

I missed Alicia so badly and I wanted to go home, but I didn't know where home was. I was lost and alone for the time being, and it was almost the snowy season. There, humans celebrate something called "Christmas". I thought it was going to be a great holiday and it was! Even without Alicia (yes, I still love her more than the world) I was happy here. The boy didn't have much, and later on he told me that his name was alex. His parents were arguing a lot and that even though he loved them, they were not feeding him and he was hungry most of the time. After he left his home to find a better one, he was on the streets for quite a while when a nice man (the one Alex didn't know the name of) came and gave him some money to rent an abandoned cabin to live in.

He really didn't have much, but he said he survives fine. I know he wanted nicer things when we went to get groceries. He always looks out the window at the watches, and the fancy clothes. But, he never disappointed me. I loved him for who he was.

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