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Alternative Title: There is no going back; If only there was a how to cope with people in your situation book for dummies, this would all be so much easier


Sundays. In another lifetime these days of leisure were spent entertaining yourself in Anna and Pandora's shared apartment, using their couch as if it was your own throne of relaxation. Pandora would be prancing around the kitchen all senses focused on whipping up a culinary masterpiece, while Anna being the co-dependent girlfriend she is would have to be sitting on the counter. Her legs would be kicking back and forth and her voice would be chiming out with quips of lyrics to random songs circulating her brain.

After dinner was done and completed the three of you would sometimes play boardgames, possibly even watch some shows or movies– all into the late hours of the night until the three of you would promptly conk out. A puddle of snores and quiet breathes punctuating the bubble of silence encircling the dark living room.

You loved your Sundays, because these Sundays were days spent with your people. Maybe that's why your energy was practically already gone before you even opened your eyes to the morning sunlight and singing birds. Logically it didn't make sense– you went to bed at a rather normal time, not too early nor too late, yet omnipresent lethargy tinged your very psyche. It left your lead like limbs to uselessly hang at your sides.

Blearily looking up into the roof of a room that was still marred by mystery, your heart beat thrummed slow and steady within your ears. Alive, you are alive, by the definition of blood pumping through your veins and the oxygen working its way to your lungs. If you were alive, why did you feel as if you were dead on your feet, even if you were laying down. As if it was some monumental task you exhale, long and shakily–before letting your eyes slide over to the bedside table. You irises dilate on the digital face of the alarm clock. Ten in the morning.

Eyes fluttering closed a forlorn sigh escapes, one riddled with unmeasurable convolution. Sundays, you missed your Sundays. Ignoring the bitterness welling along your sternum you flip to your side, duvet covers tangling amongst your limbs. Maybe you should just sleep the day away? Avoid and elude, ignore the apex of the problem, ignorance is bliss– all of those motos could very well prove applicable to the now. And you had absolutely no desire to parse through the more oppressive feelings plaguing your mind. That could be a problem for you in the future!

Present you deserved the treat of ignoring all issues (physical or mental) and wasting the day away with sleep was just the right way to compartmentalize! Wore down by a bone deep sense of tiredness you curl into yourself, blankets covering your form with a comforting warmth, and so you let your eyes droop shut.

'[n]...[y/n]? Oh my gosh wake up," Voice coated thick with sugary sweet fondness, hands begin gripping your shoulders shaking your prone form, and you're drugged from the gentle reprieve of sleep. Rousing lightly you shift in place, blinking in surprise at the fact you're no longer on your bed, but instead a couch? A thin blanket slips from where it had been nestled stationery on your shoulders, and pools around your hips. Blinking in surprise you tilt your head up in order to lock eyes with gut-wrenchingly familiar ruby ones. Heart hammering against your chest you choke back a gasp, hands coming up to cover your mouth.

"Anna?" You whisper out thick with disbelief. The blonde blinked in confusion, everbrows slanting as she looked away from you to worriedly glance at Pandora who hovered behind her. Ruby and Hazel eyes glimmered with concern and for a moment it eludes you as to why they seem to be so genuinely concerned over you. At least the answer takes a moment to hit, liteally– the longer you stare at the both of them. Bewildered, shocked, and just a tad bit hopeful, the once clear visage becomes blurry, and salty drops of liquid begin their trek down your cheeks.

Vicem Alteram [Various PDH x f!reader]Where stories live. Discover now