Chapter 4 Will he ever meet her again?

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After a few hours Bushin and Sasha spend their little time waiting on top of a large College Building in New York called Highlands Horizon. Bushin walks around waiting to see Jordan here. Sasha assumes that he would be home by now and decides to tell Bushin that they came all the way here for nothing. "There he is" Bushin declared. Sasha was shocked he was able to detect Jordan from a distance, she wants to know how, so Sasha asks in curiosity "How did you do that?" Bushin slowly turns around to explain, but the green veins on his face and neck answered her question. Sasha realized that Bushin is the child of Ven and Lucinda. She thought it was just an illusion since she first discovered his raw speed, and telekinesis. Meanwhile Jordan was walking around looking for the college building Lynn studied at while reading the map but because he lost it due to a strong wind, he couldn't find the building itself, so he asks directions from 3 strangers one by one, but all their answers are "no" Jordan kept on searching and searching. Until one night he bumped into a teenage boy holding a box full of robotic parts. Jordan apologizes as he helps him put them in the box. Jordan asked the teenage boy for directions to Highlands Horizon. The boy who introduced himself as Lucas told him that he studies there, and he said "Why should I show you directions if I can just guide you all the way my friend" Jordan smiles and shakes his hand with appreciation. Lucas and Jordan walked together going on places that led them to Highlands Horizon. The security guard forbid them to enter because Jordan is not a student of Highlands Horizon, Lucas told him he just came by to visit an old friend, and the guard sighed, "Alright Lucas, but I'm giving you 30 minutes." Jordan was amazed to see how big it was, but he got way more amazed, when Lucas showed him everything around and inside. It looks a lot larger inside than it is outside, the library the hallways, the classrooms even the school fields are large. Jordan was so astonished that he totally forgot why he got here. Jordan puts his hands on his head and freaked out, Lucas laughed "It's ok Lynn was like that the first time she got here" Jordan turned to him with his curious face "Wait you knew her?" "Yeah, she's one of the smartest students in this school" Lucas replied to him with admiration, and it made Jordan's really surprised about this. Lucas brought Jordan to the library where he thinks Lynn spent most of her time reading books. Lucas supported him saying "You got this bro; I mean you're her friend after all" Jordan said thanks to Lucas for all the help and once he breathes in and out, he was ready to go to her. Lucas seems happy at first, however he wasn't sure if it will end well. So, he said to himself "Will he ever meet her?" Lucas still has hope for him after all. He remembered Lynn when they both met since their first day. They were study buddies back then. Lucas assured himself to go to Jordan, but it was too late. Jordan came closer to the table where he saw Lynn, he starts by acting natural when he walks, then somehow, he stops when he saw Lynn close her book and walks straight to a different guy and the girl whom Bushin saved. Jordan's smile slowly disappears and walks away from the library. 2 minutes 'til midnight, Bushin, Sasha and Lucas (who they both just met) lay down together on the hill where Jordan used to spend his time, wondering if he will be just fine. Bushin tells Sasha and Lucas that it's already late and they must go back home. They both agree. Sasha sent herself home by using the tech Lucas made and Bushin's shadows spread around Lucas, he thinks it was disturbing he didn't think this is a good idea, but Bushin winked his eye "Trust me it works" Lucas nodded as if he understood and once it covered him whole. Lucas was not here anymore; he was back at his house in New York standing in his room looking all surprised. As for Bushin he had to stay to talk to Jordan even if he knows he'll be late. As his new friend he's still unaware of why Jordan felt sad after he saw Lynn with other students it's like she doesn't know him at all. Afterwards Bushin learned that Lynn was Jordan's childhood friend whom he tried to let go of, he felt sorry after hearing all this, but Jordan didn't mind anymore, what was more important to him is that he finally saw Lynn one last time. 

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