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Atsushi bit his bottom lip in an effort to keep in his voice. He slid the blade across his skin as the blood spilled out.
He cut too deep.

It was the middle of the night, and unfortunately Atsushi couldn't seem to go to sleep. Like every other night. This left him to wonder about his thoughts, his anxiety giving him unwanted thoughts. He tried everything to go to sleep. But nothing worked. The more he stayed awake, the more his thoughts corrupted him. He went to the bathroom and took one of the blades out of his cabinet.

But that happened last night.
Atsushi woke up with barely 2 hours of sleep and deep cuts on his thighs and torso. He got ready and changed his bandages. He arrived to work on time and began working.
Dazai put his hands in Atsushi's Shoulder.
"We've been put on a joint mission with chuuya and akutagawa!"
"We've been getting a lot of missions with them recently, what's up with that?"
"Maybe because we get along"
"yeah, the arguments between me and akutagawa every 5 minutes is getting along"
Atsushi said sarcastically, knowing damn well dazai had asked for the missions to be with the 4 of them.
"Also we've already decided to stay at your house since it's closest"
Atsushi immediately looked at dazai
"and i don't get any say in this"
"nope! cmon their waiting on us!"
Dazai dragged atsushi out of his chair and they began to walk to the scene.

"So what's it about anyway?"
Atsushi hand was still in dazai's grasp.
"There have been multiple murders, manly of women who were assaulted in there own home and there body's left there. And they all link up to one another. We haven't been able to figure out a suspect yet, we do know it was an ability user. A strong on too. That's where we come in!"
Dazai says as we make it to the scene.

Akutagawa says. Their at one of the houses where a women was found.
"here's the victims information."
Chuuya hands dazai a clip board. Then passes it to Atsushi. It was a young women in her 20s with short black hair. poor girl.

We spent at least an hour looking for evidence. in which he found a diary and her phone. We went over the diary. And the one thing that caught our eye was in her last entry, she said 'I feel like I am being watched at all times. But i've tried shaking it off.' And her phone was smashed to bits. As if she was trying to call 911. Or maybe she had evidence of the suspect on her phone. This was taken into the lab and they worked to safely retrieve the memory card from the phone.

After another hour, they called it a day and went to atsushi's house.
"From the last time I checked your apartment was small."
"I got a new place. It's a lot bigger from the one you got me" (Atsushi with a good salary!? 🦧)
"aww, I wanted us to all be in the same bed cuddled up close to each other!"
"In your dreams"
Chuuya said not pleased by the thought of it.

When they got there Atsushi unlocked the door and moved to the side to let everyone in. Fortunately for him he always keeps his house clean and cleaned up his mess after last night.
"I'm surprised your house is clean"
Akutagawa looked around.
Dazai rushed to the couches and jumped on them,
"They're so bouncy!"
He said as he jumped around
"Get off!"
Atsushi scolds Dazai for his immature behavior. Dazai stops and sits down.
Everyone else sitting down as well.
"Do I have to cook or can we just order delivery?"
"I'm fine with delivery"
Chuuya says.
They order some chinese food, and eat on the couch. Then it came to the sleeping plan.

"who's gonna sleep where."
Akutagawa says already ready for bed.
"I've got an extra rom in there since kyouka moved in with yosano, It's a double bed."
"Perfect me and chuuya can sleep in there and-"
"I'm NOT sleeping in the same bed with jinko!"
"yeah that's not happening."
Atsushi put his hand on his hips.
"How about Dazai sleeps with me and you two sleep in there."
"It's better than the other plan."
Chuuya takes his bag to the guest bedroom and shortly akutagawa does as well. Dazai pouts.
"Where's your bag?"
Atsushi asks dazai switching positions with the hand on his hip.
"didn't bring one!"
Atsushi says sighing. He goes to his room and gives Dazai the biggest pants and t-shirt he had.

Everyone got settled in and got ready for bed. Atsushi was on his phone when Dazai plopped in the bed. He got close to Atsushi who was facing the wall and hugged him by his waist, Atsushi hissed in pain a little as he had fresh cuts there. Dazai looks up at Atsushi as he noticed.
"Did I do something-"
"No I was just surprised thats all"
Dazai says not taking it, wondering what he did.

Atsushi soon out his phone away and closed his eyes at an attempt to go to sleep. Dazai however was latched onto him and wouldn't let go. Atsushi feared for this to happen. But It honestly wasn't that bad. After a few minutes of being in that position, he began to relax. He got sleepy and actually feel asleep. He needed.
Dazai on the other hand was still awake waiting form him to go to sleep. Fortunately for him, Atsushi's a deep sleeper. He creeps his hand up atsushi shirts only to be confronted with 'bandages? why does he have these?'
He moved the bandages to see the skin underneath, and was shocked to see cuts all over his waist. No wonder he was in pain. Dazai felt a bucket of guilt pour over him.
'Does he do it because I do?'
Many questions went through his mind. Just to make sure, he checked his arms, and he didn't find any, just faded scars on his upper arms. But then he looked at his thighs which also had bandages, so he assumed he probably cut there too. Dazai rested his head in between atsushi's neck and shoulder, and tried his best not let his emotions take over. He felt bad for atsushi, thinking it might be his fault that Atsushi cuts. They were deep cuts too, that's what worried dazai.
After a bit of his thoughts going in circles, he fell asleep while hugging atsushi. He'd confront Atsushi sometime tomorrow.

It was the next day around 7:30 in the morning, and Atsushi was the first to wake up. Getting a good night of sleep, feeling refreshed for once. He sits up as dazais arm slide down his waist and his head on his thighs. A blush spreads across his face at how close they were.
He gets up and starts getting ready. Once he's done He's goes out to cook breakfast still in his pjs. Chuuya comes out from his room.
"Good morning"
"what are you cooking?"
"pancakes, eggs, and sausage" (at least that's what i like to eat 💀)
Chuuya nods and sits down and turns on the tv.

Akutagwa shortly coming out as well. When Arsushi was done cooking he sets everything on the table and goes back into his room to wake dazai up.
He shakes dazai lightly. Dazai groans as he slowly wakes up.
"I made breakfast, pan-"
Dazai instantly shot up and went out to the table.
'Wow so big backed'
Atsushi follows him to the table.

They all ate and got ready to go out. They walked to the house of the victim. The phone was still in the lab, which was there only evidence. They investigated at that house for an hour then going to another victim's house. The investigation was at that house for the rest of the day, giving them a lot more evidence from relatives and items found.

It started to get late. And they went home for the day getting food to-go at a restaurant. They went home and ate their dinner and started getting ready for bed. Dazai planning to talk to atsushi tonight.

"Atsushi come sit down with me"
"um okay?"
Atsushi scoots close to dazai.
"what is it"
"I just wanna talk to you about something. I'm not sure how to say this. Last night when you were asleep I saw your scars. Is it there anything you want to tell me."
Atsushi paused and got quiet.
"I saw the cuts on your thighs and waist. I thought it was weird how you reacted to me hugging you last night and i got curious. I want you to know this isn't a good way of handling your emotions."
"What the difference between me and you doing it?"
Atsushi's voice cracks.
"That's- different. Where talking about you right now."
"I know it's bad i'm trying to stop. It's just hard when you have no one to talk to. I'm sorry"
A tear rolls down Atsushi's face. Dazai huggs Atsushi.
"You can always talk to me. I don't want you going through something like this. Do you do it because I do it?"
Dazais voice cracks just like Atsushi's did a few seconds ago.
"No of course not! I used to do it, then I stopped. I just got back on a bad habit that's all."
Dazai hugs him tighter in an effort to comfort him.
The thought of influencing Atsushi to do the things he does scares him.

Atsushi and Dazai lay down as Dazai plays with Atsushi's hair, drawing circles on his back at the same time to comfort Atsushi. They were watching Barbie on Atsushi's Tv (It was Dazais Idea of course, and i also like to watch it to cheer me up) After a little while, Atsushi feel asleep in Dazais arms.

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