03.The Rules ☆

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Alby takes me to a tall, wooden, three floors high building with ladders on the side leading to the top.

"I hope your not afraid of heights." He laughs with a wide smile as he climbs the first ladder, He looks back down at me.

"Come on." He waves his hand at me. I hesitate before following his actions. We reach the top, he leans against on of the poles, looking out into the open.

"This is all we got. We've worked hard for this place." He looks at me, tilting his head slightly.
"If you respect this place, you and I will get along just fine."

I look at him for a second before turning my attention back to the doors, leading out into a dark corridor, vines hung down.

"What's out there?" I asked, puzzled, nodding my head over to the opened walls.

"Look we only have three rules. First, do your part. No time for freeloaders." He pauses. "Second, never harm another glader. None of this works unless we have trust. And most importantly. Never go beyond those walls. You understand me greenie?" He looks towards me, his intense stare and focused gaze, slight furrow in his brows, tells me he is being serious.

I nod in agreement, understanding his words. We stand looking at the glade in silence before it's broken by a voice.

"Hey Alby!" A boy shouts, I look down to see a short, chubby boy with frizzy curly brown hair, wore a cream top with a brown jacket thing over the top with cream shorts and dirty black shoes.

"Hey Chuck! Where you been?, man" Alby shouts towards the boy.

He climbs down, whispers in the young boys ear before walking away. He walks closer to me, looking up as I'm very much taller than him.

"Looks like your stuck with me now." He exclaims with small grin.

"Come on, let's go make your hammock." The boy, chuck leads me to a wooden building with a roof which looks like it will collapse any second.

"Here you can sleep next to me." He says, while he is working on my bed, I lean against a pole while staring at the concrete walls.

"It's basically the same story for all of us. We wake up in the box, Alby gives us the tour and then here we are." As he speaks, I begin to walk away ignoring the young boy behind me. Chuck runs to me as I walk closer to the walls.

"Dude where are you going?" He questions.

"I just wanna see." I exclaimed.

"Alright you can look but you better not go in there."

"Why not? What's through there?" I question, obviously confused since they haven't told me a lot about this place.

"I don't know. I just know I'm not supposed to go in there, and that you shouldn't either." Chuck utters with a serious tone.

Suddenly two boys appear out from the gap between the walls, an Asian boy who looks about 17, black spiky hair and a boy with blonde, messy hair looks to us as they run pass.

"Sup Chuck, new greenie huh? How does it feel to be promoted?" The boy comments.

"Feels great, Ben." Chuck answers, with a smile, squinting his eyes because of the sun in his eyes.

I look to Chuck, furrowing my brows in confusion. "What? I thought no one was allowed to leave?"

"No I said we are not allowed to leave, they're different they're runners." he pauses and looks at walls. "They know more about the maze then anyone."



"Wait what?" I question.

"What?" Chuck asks, puzzled.

"What? You just said maze."

"I did?" Chucks says, confusing me even more.

I nod "yeah." I look back at the walls again, walking towards them again to get a closer look.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm just gonna take a look." I tell the young boy who had his hand on my shoulder.

"You can't, especially not now. It's not safe at the time."

"Okay I won't go" I uttered, nodding my head down at him.

I walk to the doors, my eyes glancing at the Ivy that hung down and the tall concrete walls.

I take a step forward until I hear a yell "HEY!" A boy walks over to me, pushing me down on the hard ground. The shaved haired boy who looks about 16-17 towers over me.

"We gotta stop meeting like this, greenie." He says.

"Get off me!" I jump up, pushing the boy away.

"Calm, Calm, Calm." He holds out his hands in front of me.

"Don't touch me!" I yell out, other boys must of heard the commotion as they started to make a crowd around me.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" My breaths begin to quicken as panic rises up in my chest.

"Just calm down, alright?" Newt tries to say to me but I couldn't hear from all the shouts around me.

"Why won't you let me leave?" I shout, trying not to panic too much.

"We're just trying to protect you.
It's for your own good." Alby says with a calm tone. I shake my head rapidly.

"You guys can't keep me here."

"I can't let you leave."

"Why not?" Suddenly a loud noise is heard, I turn as a gust of wind blows out from the walls, making me put my hand over my face. The doors begin to close together until they finally shut, and the noise stops.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave" The boys says with hint of frustration, crossing his hands over, his walks away as I turn to face the other boys.

The crowd disappears, except Alby and Newt.

"Welcome to the glade." He walks away.

What the hell is this place?


Chapter three done!
Sorry it took so long and I know it's boring rn but I'm working on the next chapter now!!!
Remember to hot and comment! Xx

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