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Even though Years have passed like a Hazy fog. The king could still Remember Lilibeth's clear features. she's not like any goddess in the celestial realm who wears pearls, soft silks, and Hair ornaments dangling like a Star, Smooth skin, or shiny Raven locks.

instead, his Lilibeth is a Peaceful Beauty. untouched by any external problems of the Celestial world, her skin is warm, her eyes are the color of the soil, and her hair reflects the light of the color of the sun. Sometimes, while she takes a Shade Wukong could see her freckles just right, tilting his head to see more of those little dots on her face.

My Dear Lilibeth,

I didn't know you had freckles, why are you so shy to show them? for me, they look pretty my dear. it adds more Beauty to you.

after all, flowers have their own distinct features, and yours looks beautiful so don't hide them. should I send you flowers again with another letter just to compliment all of you?

Lilibeth Hides her Freckles, shy that maybe people would make fun of it. but for him her freckles are like stars, It's Beautiful that whenever she Smiles or frowns it makes her Face even more bright and Cheerful.

Still, he's sending letters, watching from the distance as she reads them and smiles, then looks around hoping to see this man that has been courting her. Wukong would love to show himself to her, but he's afraid. afraid that maybe she wouldn't accept him or maybe freak out that He's different. Macaque would urge him to just disguise himself, but it feels like hiding his true identity.

the next day, He was Doing his usual business. not until Macaque returned with a letter in his hand.

"Oh? who's letter is that?"

"it's for you."

he smirked, and once Wukong Unfolded the paper he swore his eyes almost bulged out of his sockets.

Dear Sunflower,

Shall I Call you that? I would love to know your name, but I won't force you. the way you write through your letters gives me the impression of the sun.

you compliment me too much, and I thank you. you would remind me and even tell me your thoughts.

I guess it's my turn now. This morning I saw a little fox pass by the rice fields. and it's funny how the little thing stole my neighbor's Tools which caused him to chase after the poor animal.

it was the first letter he received from her, and from that moment he was grinning like an idiot. Immediately scrambling and grabbing his brush and paper to send a reply.

Macaque was just Sitting there watching him ramble and write his reply, taking his nap as he waited for the king to finish with his work. Wukong made sure to make his letter neater and with No wrinkles, even plucked a little flower and put it inside the envelope and then shoved it to Macaque so that the guy could deliver it.

and then, The exchange between the two started.

And he was putting so much effort into it, he didn't want to make his letters look Grey or bland in her eyes. if it's her, he'll make it Colorful or Neat, sometimes Macaque would help too if he's having a hard time writing a certain word, or how is he gonna do this shit. of course, the guy didn't mind it's not like it's gonna Bring henceforth a fucking Thunder to chase him off the mountain.

"Did you tell her your name though?"

"Hm? Oh yeah!"

The king Grinned, scratching his Head; He eventually revealed his name, Lilibeth at first found it an alias or something but he was not joking at all.

My Dear Lilibeth [SUN WUKONG]Where stories live. Discover now