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Macaque never really dreamed of being someone's Trusty Friend. like at all. he's a liar he knows it and he's not going to gaslight himself by saying he's a Saint or an Honest person.

but then he met Wukong. the Great Sage equal to heaven who is also his best friend. The king is a pain in the ass for the gods, he's a menace and a gremlin. but he's not gonna lie the guy is strong and scary when he gets angry.

"You're not gonna get a girlfriend if you keep on killing everyone without saying a word."

he did remember those words, But Alas look. the guy got a girlfriend, and He is fucking faithful to her and loyally loves her like she's the best thing that ever happened in his life. and Macaque who's watching all of this was baffled. he must've Underestimated the will of the universe and now look it all backfired and slapped him in the face tenfold.

but he's happy to see the king beam like the sun and wake up every morning carrying flowers to give to his Lady.

And if ever Wukong is busy beating up Demons or Celestial warriors pestering his mountain, the king would send Macaque to deliver his letters to Lilibeth. if not letters then maybe flowers or gifts for her. Of course, he would take good care of it not leaving a scratch or dent since he knows the guy put so much effort into his letters and Gifts.

'Another job to do.'

he once remembered that he was holding Wukong's letter for her. This time not using his shadow abilities instead he's using his human Disguise, passing through shops he stops, and seeing the lady Talking with her mother. Macaque just sighs.

That day his only thought is to deliver the letter and leave immediately without saying a word.

he entered the Shop, ignoring strange stares he approached the Lady and boredly said "Letters for Miss Lilibeth" he Said, The Lady's mother Glancing at him and beaming a smile. the old lady was a chatty one, and Macaque isn't good at communicating with loud and chatty people. it's like Wukong but at least he can bear all of it.

but then. meeting Lilibeth and Facing her for the first time, he was.... a bit frozen. Like Wukong said those freckles match her soft and round face, He was still Eyeing her though, silently Taking all of her features.

don't get him wrong.

he's not having that cliche love at first sight shit. but Lilibeth is indeed Pretty, and somehow whenever he's alone in the mountain he finds himself sketching her face, her dress, or even her eyes.


She was his Muse.

Macaque found himself using Lilibeth as a model in every Drawing or portrait he was making. lost in his own world and only focusing on Coloring the smallest details that are Painted behind the canvas.

one time, When Wukong told him about Lilibeth's birthday, The king's gift for her was a Drawing of a pretty dress. But sadly, he couldn't find someone to tailor it so, the last chance was Macaque.

the guy has some talents in arts and stuff. at first, he was against it but with a little annoying ability and Ramblings The six Eared Monkey gave up and accepted the darn commission that the king asked him to.

Although there will be no promises.

it was a simple Royal blue Dress that the king designed for her, with a little embroidery of golden flowers and Cranes on the dress.

he's not good at making dresses but with the help of some shadow magics and studying tailoring. he got a little gist of it, and although he's not yet familiar with all of the Techniques at least he was able to understand some things.

As for the embroidery for the dress, he actually asked for help. technically married ladies in a nearby town he asked for assistance, of course, they were ecstatic about it and immediately helped the Shadow monkey. he was planning to leave it to them but in the end, he stayed and observed how the ladies would embroider the design on the dress with no sweat and not even hurting their fingers. it took only 3 weeks for the dress to be finished, giving it back to Wukong he was amazed at how quick it was and even complimented Macaque.

'Those ladies helped a lot.'

as for his gift for Lilibeth, He already has one. it was small, and you could just carry it all around with no problem. it's not Like the best of the best gift or expensive.

it's just a sketchbook be gifted to her.

and if his memory serves him right that sketchbook is filled with Designs of Jewelries and the model is none other than her. dresses that he designed and even Portraits that somehow Resembles the Lady in Blue.

it's not much. but he was proud of it, all of the things he drew Lilibeth was the perfect Model and they captured everything that he wanted.

"Woah Is this what she looks like?"

MK Awed, Flipping through Macaque's sketchpad. the Shadow monkey didn't mind the boy scrolling through his random drawings and designs and stuff. mostly it's just portraits anyway "Yeah, Did Wukong show you any pictures of her?" He asked, but Mk just shook his head.

"Well Now there you have it, accurate wise she's Pretty."

He smirked, Smugly And proudly showed the boy all of his drawings of Lilibeth. even dress designs she is the Model.

"Why is she all around your Sketchbook bro?" Mk Frowned, looking back to Macaque the Monkey opened his eyes and hummed "Hm? oh well..." He stopped, scratching his head and looking away.

"Wukong didn't know about it but..."

"Lilibeth is my Muse."

He chuckled, sighing as he looked up the clear blue skies. was it because she's pretty? her round face? freckles on her cheeks or is it her brown colored eyes?

no, it's not that.

but something about Lilibeth drove him to draw More and more. it doesn't matter if it's messy or unfinished work. As long as he can draw it and see it in his own eyes he is satisfied, unconsciously smiling and his chest swelling in pride.

he could draw her for hours, and still, her figure fits well with everything he made. under the sun or the moon, walking through the Grass field, or Holding a Bouquet. if he could just gift her a portrait of herself then Macaque will do it.

"How about gifting her family a portrait of her this new year?"

"a portrait..."

he mumbled, looking back to the kid he Smirked and playfully Hit his shoulder "Not bad not bad Kid" He Chuckled, and Mk Grinned "Oh! I'm good at Drawing too! maybe I can help!" He Gasps, just thinking about Drawing Miss Lilibeth drives him with pure inspiration and Ideas. however, the Shadow monkey stopped him and Pat's his head.

"Yeah yeah, we can do that. but you gotta go do you training now, your mentors here."

he smirked, and on Cue Wukong barged in the Caves entrance with a large Grin. knowing that Look Macaque Escaped using his Shadow Abilities leaving Mk to deal with Wukongs Nonstop Ramblings.

My Dear Lilibeth

My Dear Lilibeth [SUN WUKONG]Where stories live. Discover now