Chapter : One

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~Sabrina's POV~

I walked downstairs and saw my mom. "Mom, I'm ready for my appointment." I said. "Are you sure you want to go along with this?" She questioned. "Yes mom. New City. New school. New me." I said and she sighed. "If it's what you want honey, then ok. After all, it is your hair." She said. We drove to the hair salon where we spent 2 hours just on my hair. "Ready Sabrina?" Asked the stylist and I nodded. She turned me around and I saw my new hair.I smiled. "Thank you Mandy." I said hugging her. "No problem.Looks great on you." She complimented. We went shopping for a whole new wardrobe. I start school tomorrow. It's my last year and since we're new here, why not change my image? I was never really respected at my old school. Had great friends and a boyfriend, but other than them, no on really respected me. Now, I want people to think I'm a badass. I took a selfie and sent it to my boyfriend.

To: GregWhatcha think?

From: GregWoah.Not really expecting that,but um it looks good.I miss you

To: GregImy2<3 Can't wait till we're together again.

-Next Morning(Monday)-

I took a quick shower. I decided to put on my Young and Reckless shirt with black shorts. I added some foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and purple lipstick to match my hair. I looked in my full length mirror. Done. I thought. Days ago you would never catch me wearing these type of clothes. I'd always wear baggy clothes because I was insecure with my body. Never showed skin..well because I was insecure. Wore glasses but thank god for laser eye surgery. I ate a quick yogurt. "I'M GOING TO SCHOOL! BYE!" I screamed on my way out. I arrived and scoped out the place as I got weird stares from people. I looked down at my schedule.

1. Trigonometry - Mr.Ty

2. AP Biology - Mrs.Lee

3. European History - Mr.Reyes


4. AP English Literature - Mrs.Lynn

5. Art - Ms.Miller

6. Home Economics - Mrs.Reynolds

--- Skipping to 5th Period---

      I got lost so I arrived to 5th period, art, almost 10 minutes late. As soon as I walked in, everyone turned to look at me and I began to panic. Sabrina,you changed your image to be a badass,stop being a pussy. I thought to myself. "Care to explain why you're late miss?" Asked Ms.Miller. "Because I'm new and I don't know my way around here." I played it cool. "Oh wait...Ms.Hendricks, I've been expecting you.The only seat opened is...behind Mr.Malik." She said gesturing behind me. I turned around and I'm guessing the mysterious yet good looking guy is 'Malik' because he has his hand halfway up and that's the only seat open. I walked over to it and sat down. "So as I was explaining, these next few weeks will be easy.This week, you must sketch something meaningful or important to you, BUT you cannot draw a family member, nor boyfriend or girlfriend. I will pass out a sketch pad to each one of you. They will go home." She said.

What is important to me? Maybe when- no that's stupid. I looked around for inspiration. Most canvases were messy, sloppy, or they were simply blank. One canvas caught my eye. 'Malik' was drawing a bird .. The mysterious one, drawing a .... bird? I looked at my blank canvas and thought long and hard. I did 2 outlines. Not sure where this is going though. "Just a reminder, we will be working on these for a couple days, so no rush." Ms.Miller added. Outlines. Of bodies. I looked up and saw 'Malik' halfway done with his. It was very detailed just needs color. The bell rang. Well shit. I did take a long ass time trying to figure my drawing out. I had home ec class next. I walked in and was quite stunned to see 'Malik' there. I sat in front of Malik.

"Um you're in my seat." I heard someone say. I looked up to see a blonde bimbo with a fake tan, and too much make up on. "Don't see a name. Try getting here earlier next time." I said. "Do you know who I am?!" She questioned. "Nope." I said losing interest. "I am Whitney Sanders!" She stomped her foot. "Oh my god!! I'm so NOT sorry. Don't care but good job, you know your name." I heard someone chuckle behind me. "Bitch." I heard her say. "You want to see a bitch?!" I asked standing up. She just turned away and took a different seat. I smirked to myself. Well done Rina,well done. "Wow. About time someone stood up to that slut. Kyle." Said the guy. "Sabrina." I said. "Ooooh I totz love your hair!" He said and I smiled. Not that I have anything against these people, but my instincts are kicking in, he's gay. And I fucking love him already. "You're so hot too." He said. "Too bad I like dick." He said. Ding ding ding. I was right. I laughed. "That means..a lot actually. Thanks." I said. "No problem hun, I can already tell we're going to be great friends." He said and I smiled. "Sorry I'm late class, teacher problems. Ah ok um first things first, welcome to our school Sabrina! Hope everyone's been treating you well." She smiled. "A couple people have been...well eh but they don't look like threats at all." I said looking at Whitney and she glared at me. "Sad to hear that. But now on with the class!"

After class, Whitney was passing by with Malik. She purposely dropped my books. "Pick it up." I demanded. "You pick it up, klutz. It's not mine." She said flipping her hair. Ok that's it. I pulled her by the hair, down and punched her right in the jaw. Good thing no one was around. "Pick it up bitch, apologize and no one will find out about this 'incident'." I said. She looked scared while Malik just looked at me. She picked up my things and apologized before rushing to the bathroom. I turned around and Malik was still looking at me. "What." I said. "Bitch don't fucking give me that attitude." He said and I was quite surprised. "What are you gonna do about it?" I questioned. Big mistake. He pushed against the lockers. "Bitch you don't want to know. Now I suggest you stop this shit with me. I run this school." He said. "Not for long." I smirked. He pushed me harder. "What's going on here?" I heard a teacher say but that's when Malik crashed his lips against mine. "Ok ok cut it out." Said the male teacher before walking away. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a good kisser. Greg. Oh my god. I can't tell Greg. "Buy a girl dinner first." I said pushing him off of me. "Bitch, I ain't playing." He said. "Bitch, I ain't scared." I mimicked. Deep down, I'm shitting myself. His eyes turned black. "Lets go Zayn. I'm ready." Said Whitney. So that's his name. 'Zayn'. I walked out to my car and drove home.

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