Chapter : Eleven

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-Next Day(Friday)-

I finished up the last couple details before the bell rang. I quickly covered it when Zayn walked in. We exchanged smiles and Ms.Miller called us up. "Ladies first." Said Zayn and I set my drawing on the stand. "Wow..the features Twins." Complimented Ms.Miller. "Now tell us about the 4 girls in the back." She said. "This is his mother Trisha and his sisters, Doniya, Walkiyha, and Safaa. I drew them because they are the most important girls in his life. He looks after each one of them and protects them. As the brother that he is, he would do anything to keep all 4 of them safe." I said.

"Bravo. Now Mr.Malik, please proceed." She said. "I wrote admiration. I have an admiration towards her, she's into helping others and putting others before her. She wants to see people happy, no matter what mood she's in. Independent. She's been independent all of her life. Her father was never in the picture. With her mother working extra shifts at the hospital to give her the best future, she had to learn to do everything for herself. Which is why I drew her mother. She's Sabrina number 1 role model and inspiration. And best friend." He said and Ms.Miller had a huge smile on her face. "This is amazing! A+ for you both!" She said clasping her hands. We smiled at each other before taking our seats, which we had to sit next to each other.

The bell rang. "Hold on you two." Ms.Miller held us back. "I entered you into an art gallery, tonight at 7. I'm taking your paintings tonight when I leave early. I hope you can make it." She said and I looked at Zayn as she got passes. "You know I'd love to see you in a tux." I smirked. "You don't think I own one?" He laughed. "I'm picking you up at 6:20." He said. "Okay." And Ms.Miller smiled at us as she gave us our late passes. "Thank you. Truly, thank you." She said as we walked out. We walked into 6th period late and we got looks. "Where we're you?" Asked Mrs.Reynolds. "Ms.Miller. She was talking to us about an art event." I said handing her our passes. "Very well." She said and we took our seats. Whitney just glared at me.

I just got home. "Mom, Zayn's coming to pick me up tonight. Ms.Miller decided to put our artwork into an art gallery and she wants us to present." I said. "Are you sure? Is this a date? Because remember Greg?" She asked. "Yes mom. Call Ms.Miller if you'd like." I said getting annoyed and walked upstairs. I took a quick shower. I changed into an all white dress. I semi curled my hair. I did my makeup and put my heels on. "How do I look?" I asked my mom. "Very very stunning. So proud of you honey." She said hugging me. The doorbell rang and she answered it. He looks so damn fine in a suit, with his hair slicked to the side.

"I called Ms.Miller, she said the event will finish at 9, we'll probably grab something to eat afterwards, so she'll get here late-ish. I just thought I'd let you know." He told my mom and I smiled. "Thank you. Well have fun!" She said and we walked out. We arrived to the gallery and parked. "Wait wait wait." He said pulling me back. I turned to face him as he snaked his arms around me. He pulled me closer, leaving absolutely no space in between us. "You look so damn sexy." He said before kissing me. "It's going to be hard keeping my hands off you tonight." He said as we walked inside.

After 2 hours of explaining the concept of the paintings, we headed out to Panda Express. During the drive, I got a call. "Gee. Forget about me already?" I heard her say. "Oh my God Katie. I'm so sorry I've been caught up with this new town, new people, new everything and I'm sorry." I said. "Have you made friends?" She asked. "Yeah. Quite a lot actually." I said. "Are you still being bullied?" She asked. "No. I changed my whole image. The real me. New hair which I need to dye again. New clothes. Makeup. People are scared of me and I don't know why." I said. "Maybe because you swore me and Whitney out." Laughed Zayn. "Who's that?" She asked. "Whitney? Some bitch who thinks she runs the school." I said. "Since when do you swear? And no, who are you with?" She asked. "I don't know and my friend Zayn." I said. "Zayn?" She asked. "Yeah."

"What are you and Zayn doing?" She asked. "Going home from an art gallery." I said. "Oh." She said. "Hey I have to go. I'll talk to you soon." I said and hung up. "Wow." Said Zayn and I laughed. I opened the door and my mom was there. "How was it?" She asked. "It was pretty fun. Better than I expected. People were really engaged. During our breaks, I walked around and got some inspiration for new art." I said. "That's great honey. Well good night." She said and walked upstairs. I spent the rest of the night texting Zayn.

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