**Chapter 69: Trouble in Yadav**

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Orhan, Fatima Hatun, and Alauddin, now 14 years old, were up to their usual mischief, much to the chagrin of their fathers, Yudhishthira, Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva. The trio of siblings had devised a series of playful pranks that left the Pandavas bewildered and frustrated.

As the echoes of laughter filled the courtyard of Yadav, Draupadi couldn't contain her amusement. Holding her stomach, she watched her mischievous children with sparkling eyes. "Oh my goodness! Masallah! I can't stop laughing," she managed to say between fits of laughter. "Your faces, all five of you... It's absolutely priceless!"

The Pandavas stood there, their expressions a mix of exasperation and affection, watching Draupadi revel in their predicament. They exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging their inability to stay stern in the face of their wife's infectious laughter.

"Draupadi," Yudhishthira finally managed, trying to sound serious but failing as a smile tugged at his lips. "You're encouraging them too much."

Draupadi wiped tears of mirth from her eyes and walked over, her laughter still bubbling. She placed a hand on Yudhishthira's shoulder and leaned in to kiss him gently on the cheek. "Don't worry, my love. They're just kids having fun," she reassured him with a playful wink.

Bheema grumbled good-naturedly, "Fun, huh? They nearly set my beard on fire!"

Arjuna added, "And they replaced all my arrows with rubber ones!"

Nakula chuckled, "They even convinced the palace guards to chase me with buckets of water, thinking there was a fire!"

Sahadeva, ever the calm one, simply shook his head with a smile. "They certainly inherited your spirit, Draupadi."

As the evening settled over Yadav, the Pandavas and Draupadi gathered together, their hearts lightened by laughter and love. Despite the chaos caused by their mischievous children, they knew that moments like these were the ones to cherish the most.

* To be continued…*

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