Chapter 03: The Krakken

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Ben dived into a lake that was at the group's campsite for the night.

"Cannonball!" He shouted as he plunged into the water with breathtaking results. He soon emerged from the murky depths smiling. "Judges' notes.... Yes, a perfect ten from the magnificent Benjamin Tennyson! Yay! Ah, the crowd loves him!"

Just then, Gwen approaches with her flashlight.

"A perfect fool, that's more like it." She says.

"Come on! Dive in! The water's not too cold!" Ben suggested.

"Who knows what nasty slimy things creep in there at this time of night." She said, shining her flashlight at Ben, making him frown as she said.

"Oh come on! What's the point of camping by a lake if you're afraid of getting wet? The point is to get wet!" He says.

"I just don't like being in a murky, muddy lake." Says Gwen.

Ben laughs before starting to struggle.

"hey! What.... Arriving..." Says he before suddenly being pulled underwater!

"Very funny, Ben. I'm not falling into the trap.... Ben?" Says she, frowning as bubbles pop out of the water. "Ben? Come on, it's not funny!"

Suddenly, a tall figure emerges from the water with weeds all over his body!

Gwen screamed, stepped back and stumbled. The flashlight landed and shone towards the figure, revealing it to be Four Arms covered in weeds.


"Hahaha! You should have seen your face. Ha, priceless." Laughs Four Arms-Ben.

"You're so broken up when I talk that crap to Grumpa!"

"Come on! It was just a harmless prank! No big deal."

"No big deal?! I thought something had gotten into you! I'm going to bed! You idiot!"

Gwen walked over to the Rust Bucket as Four Arms began removing the weeds and said.

"Maybe I should apologize. Still, I can't believe she fell for it! A monster in a lake? Who believes that?" Says Four Arms-Ben.

That's when Four Arms felt something.

The water all around was moving.

"What...? What's going on?"

Then, suddenly, a gigantic tail emerged from the lake!

"Oh, me and my big mouth."

The tail swiftly darted forward and grabbed Four Arms, pulling him underwater. Our alien hero began to struggle when he saw two huge glowing eyes staring back at him! Four Arms was able to free himself and quickly rose to the surface, running towards the Rust Bucket as fast as he could!

He quickly opened the door.

"There's a giant monster in the lake! It attacked me!" He exclaimed as he opened the door.

A pillow was thrown in their faces as Hayden awoke for a moment before falling back asleep.

"Ah? Do you really think I'm going to fall into the same trap twice?" Said Gwen.

"I'm not kidding! I've just been dragged underwater!" Four Arms insisted.

"Come on Ben, the joke's over. Time for bed." Said Max.


"Man, get some sleep. Tomorrow we get up early to fish, and in the worst case we'll see about that 'monster' too." Hayden said sleepily.

A second Omnitrix (Charmcaster x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now