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Seungmin and Jeongin chapter  (fluff)

July 12, 2024   3:30 P.M

Jeongin sat down his bed wondering 'why do I find seungmin attractive? and why do I want to-' He got cut bout from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door.

"Coming!" The younger yelled then came out of his room and ran down his stairs before making his way to the front door. He opened it only to reveal a smiling Seungmin who had brought a bag with food in it. Jeongin's ears became red and he flushed at seeing the older infront of him. 

"Hi innie! I decided to come over because..well you said you were dying soo..Hi" Seungmin broke the silence before walking past Jeongin to put the bag down as Jeongin stood there trapped in his thoughts. "Jeongin?" "H-Huh!? Oh..hi min" Jeongin spoke and closed his door before sitting in his sofa and patting the space beside him. Seungmin smiled and sat down beside the younger. They sat in awkward silence (Caw.Caw.Caw) before Jeongin spoke up "do you...wanna watch a movie?" "Sure..what movie?" Seungmin asked before picking up the remote and turning the TV on. "Wish dragon?" Jeongin suggested then Seungmin nodded "Sure" The older replied and started to look for the movie

Time skip  4:56 P.M

Jeongin turned off the TV after the movie finished and his eyes with Seungmin who was staring into eyes then his gaze shifted to the youngers lips. Jeongin honestly was not thinking straight (cuz hes gay obvi) when he slowly kissed the older and pulled away before whispering "holy fuck i'm so sorry i-" He got cut off when Seungmin connected their lips together which caught the younger by surprise but he quickly kissed back. The kiss became VERY heated and Jeongin was already straddling Seungmin who had his hands around the youngers waist while Jeongin had his hands around the older neck. 

And the rest was history :)

Sorry for robbing y'all (I am not) 

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I love u ❤️❤️

Bye Loves <333

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