Chapter 10:What on earth just happened?

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Dalia POV

Now it's been a month since I moved into this house. Adjusting hasn't been easy. It's not just the place, but the people. One son is too loud, the other too cold. My only savior here is Dina. I don't know what I'd do without her; she's been my rock, my confidant. I'm so grateful to have her around, especially when things get overwhelming. She's my only solace in this chaos.

Between the silence of Xavier and the noise of Zarion, I've found a strange sort of rhythm. Each day brings something new and unexpected.

But sometimes I wonder about Dina's role in all of this. She never mentions her parents or anything about her family. I know she's not their sister because she doesn't live in the mansion. Instead, she stays in the house beside it. It's like a small living quarter, but it's also very beautiful.

The house is two stories, with ivy creeping up the walls, giving it a cottage-like feel. The garden is expansive .There's a stone path leading to a charming wooden door, and a cozy porch with a swing where we often sit and chat

I often find myself envious of her little haven. It's peaceful, a stark contrast to the quiet and mysterious atmosphere of the main house. I can't help but be curious about her story, but I haven't gathered the courage to ask her directly. Maybe someday, when the time feels right, I'll ask her about it.

I wondered what Dina was doing right now. Deciding to check in and maybe have a light chat before going to sleep, I headed towards the main mansion. As I approached, I heard faint sounds of talking. Maybe it was Uncle Antonio? I followed the voice to the grand living room, or whatever you'd call the lounge of a mansion.

To my surprise, it was Xavier. He was on the phone with a very serious expression, pacing back and forth. Each step was measured, each response carefully thought out. His voice was so smooth, professional, and calm that it had an almost hypnotic quality. The way he replied, with such assurance and control, made anyone listening feel like they were being serenaded by a sweet siren.

I lingered in the doorway behind the door for a moment, watching him. There was something about the way he handled himself that was both impressive and intimidating. It made me curious about the man behind the polished exterior. 

The fire lit in the hearth cast a warm, flickering glow that danced across Xavier's face, highlighting the sharp lines of his features. Shadows played along the contours of his strong jaw and high cheekbones.. The soft crackle of the fire provided a soothing background to his smooth, authoritative voice. The fire glistened in his deep green-blue eyes, transforming them into something almost alive. It wasn't just the reflection—there was a real fire within him. What was he so desperate to prove? What did he yearn for so intensely? The depth of his emotion was undeniable, pulling me into his silent struggle, making me wonder about the battles he fought within.

As Xavier ended the call and the tension in the room started to ease, I decided to step forward and strike up a conversation with him. But before I could, Zarion beat me to it, walking in through a second entrance to the hall.

Oh my God. What on earth was he wearing? He looked like he had just stumbled out of a minor apocalypse. His hair was a wild tangle of bedhead, sticking out in every direction as if he'd been through a hurricane and back. He had made a half-hearted attempt to tame it, running his fingers through it like he was trying to comb it into some semblance of order, but it only made the chaos even more apparent.

 It looked like he had just thrown on whatever was closest to him. His grey tank top was worn and slightly frayed, and his faded black pants hung loosely, almost as if they were ready to fall off. But, strangely enough, I didn't entirely dislike the casual vibe.

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