Chapter 1 -Protocol Omega - Altering History

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Sometime in the Future

"Protocol Omega. Rise!" A man wearing a suit ordered as 12 people had been awoken. "The time has come. With our time travel, no team will be able to withstand our power!" He raised his hands, his red pupils dilating. "Yes sir. Your orders will be completed." One boy stepped up from his tube, his eyes blank and a serious expression on his face. "Alpha, I expect great things from you. You have been altered to be the perfect striker and commander on the field." The man looked towards Alpha. Alpha's response was a simple nod, keeping quiet. 

A girl in the tube next to Alpha's steps up. "Aww what about me boss?" She pouts, staying behind Alpha. "Beta. You are altered to be just like Alpha, of course we need two excellent commanders to execute our plan." The man smirks. "Soon, more will be altered to fit Protocol Omega. For now, only you twelve shall go ahead." The man places his hands behind his back as he explains to the awoken figures. "You will need this." He kicks a strange looking ball to Alpha, who catches it with ease. 

"Your orders will be complete Sir Argos." Alpha nods his head again. Argos smirks once again as the figures begin to flash away, teleporting into another time. 

"I do not expect disappointment." He said as Alpha and Beta flashed away.

"It seems the old man started his master plan." A man comments as he looks up at the tall building, sitting on his red hoverbike. "The weird bear thing was right." He turns his hover bike on and starts to drive away from the building.


Present day

Victor Blade watches as the sun sets, watching from atop the steel tower. "Is football even worth it now. I've tried so hard and no team is accepting me..." Victor sighs. He promised his older brother that he'd be the best striker the world has ever seen. But no team gave him a chance. While Victor was skilled, it seemed he wasn't skilled enough for Japan's standards. "Damn clubs. What am I not doing right?" He punched the rail, hurting his hand in the process. "Crap!" He held his wrist as the pain ran through him. 

"VIICCCOTORR! ARE YOU UP THERE AGAIN?!" He heard a girl's voice from the bottom of the tower. "Goldie?" Victor peaks down to see his old friend waiting for him at the bottom. "What are you doing here!" He shouts from the top

"Coming to see how you're doing! Your mom said you haven't been home since you left this morning!" She yells back. Victor forgot his mother, he avoided any contact after today's rejection. "Come down here already!" She demanded Victor. He sighs and picks up his coat.

He gets down and turns around to look at Goldie. "I heard what happened... I'm sorry you didn't get in the team.. I know how much football means to you." She tries to comfort him. "It's fine.... It's the same thing that happens every time." Victor sighs. "You shouldn't give up, you can still get into a football club." She smiles as a way of reassuring Victor. He looks at her, a half smile on his face. 

"I appreciate it Goldie. But at this point I'll just never play football professionally. I can never fulfil the promise to my brother before he went abroad." His smile was quick to disappear. Goldie stares at him, worried about her best friend. Victor and her had been friends for years. She would always visit his family and hang out with him. If anyone knew how important it was for Victor to join a club, it'd be her. Besides his older brother of course. "Listen how about we get you home, your mom has been worried all day!" She tries to change the topic. Victor puts his coat over his shoulders, sighing again. "I guess you're right." He looks at Goldie who smiled once again.

The two walk down the steps. Victor hears a loud slam nearby, halting Goldie as he tries to figure out where the sound came from. "Wait, something is happening..." Victor looks to his left, where the lake was. He walks slowly and peaks around the corner of the hill, to see strange looking figures stand around someone. Victor tries to focus on the person, trying to figure out who it was. "What is it?" Goldie whispered as she walked up behind Victor. "Some weird looking people are attacking someone?" Victor kept looking at the attackers. 

"Arion Sherwind. Prepare." One of the attackers declared. "Arion... isn't that someone in our school?" Victor asked Goldie. "Arion... yeah I think so. Should we help him?" She nodded her head after thinking about it. Victor doesn't respond, instead he runs up to the attackers. "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Victor shouted. The attackers were about to kick their ball at Arion, before stopping and turning around to face Victor. "State your name stranger." Who seemed to be the leader demanded. "That's none of your concerns! Now leave him alone!" Victor pointed to Arion, who was on the ground. "It is in your interest that you leave the premise. This does not concern you." The leader responded coldly. "Attacking someone from my school and telling me it isn't my concern? I think it very much is my concern." Victor stated. "I have no time for him, deal with him Beta." The leader turns around while a blue haired girl devilishly smirked. "Hehe, you should've left when you had the chance!" She snickered as she summoned her own ball. "What the-." Victor was shocked, how did she summon a ball?

"We're just gonna put you to sleep while we deal with our new friend! Nighty night!" She waves as she prepares to kick the ball. She powers up her foot and kicks the ball, it shoots towards Victor who was too slow to react. 

Suddenly purple aura envelops the ball, stopping it in the air and protecting Victor. "What the!" Beta and Victor both react the same way. The ball drops to the ground as the purple aura disappears. "Umm Alpha, it looks like we have a problem..." Beta whispers to the leader. 

He turns his head to glance over his shoulder. "Do not worry. He is not a threat. Let us go to the next target." Alpha orders as they begin to flash away. "W-wait what happened?!" Victor watched as they all disappear. 

"Victor are you okay?!" Goldie runs up to Victor. "What was that weird thing that saved you?!" She asked. "I.... I don't know?" Victor looked at his hands trying to figure out what happened.

To be Continued 

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