Chapter 6 - 200 Years into the Future

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At the headquarters of Protocol Omega, Chairman Argos sat at the table, alongside his fellow chairmen. On the table was a projection of what happened at Sanctum. "An interesting development." Argos would caress his chin, watching with a smirk on his face.

The Protocol Omega team began appearing in the headquarters, Alpha being the final one to appear. "Excellent work Alpha and the rest of you. Destroying Sanctum was an extraordinary idea." Argos clapped slowly. "We thank your applause sir. However we have run into a particular issue." Alpha mentioned. Argos was quick to stop clapping and leaned over so he could pay full attention to Alpha's sudden report. 

"While we were able to emerge victorious, Wanted figure Zanark Avalonic has joined forces with Wonderbot to begin challenging our efforts." Alpha reported. Argos slammed his armchair, Zanark has always been a thorn in Protocol Omega's side, for him to now side with Wonderbot to challenge directly it only fueled the anger.

"What are the two doing?" Argos asked while trying to suppress his anger and stay professional. "Zanark and Wonderbot seem to be recruiting players for a team they plan on using against us." Alpha answered immediately. 

"A team? What could-." Argos was cut off as one of the other chairman  went to go whisper something in his ears.  "W-what... you don't seriously think that?" A shocked Argos turned to the chairman, who nodded. 

"Damn those two. Alpha. Do you know what players they are scouting." Argos would turn his attention to Alpha, anger and a hint of fear now filling him. "We are not sure who they are after. But as of right now they have a player known as Victor Blade and Goldie Lemon." Alpha said. "I want an analysis on these two, and an eye kept on Zanark. Chariman Guile, your project how close are you to completing it?" Argos looked to the left of the table. A chairman with hair that looked like a grayish-purple cloud and wearing a pair of orange goggles. 

"I am close to finishing it, i just need to perfect them. Your protocol omega players should be fine for now." Guile stated. "Alpha, continue your mission. Do not let Zanark succeed in any way." Argos ordered. Alpha nodded and the Protocol Omega players began flashing away. "It seems this has become a three sided war." Argos calmed down and relaxed in his seat.


Vicotr, Goldie, Tezcat, and Bailong stepped out the bus and all began admiring the buildings that pierced the skies. "So this is the future..." Goldie said. "I thought this was some kind of joke...  but I'm actually standing in the future." Bailong tried to act like the future didn't impress him, it did.

"It's good to breathe in that future air." Zanark took a deep breath. "Now listen up. I sense that our goal keeper is somewhere in the feudal district." Zanark looked around, trying to sense the next player . "The feudal district? What's in that district?"  Victor would ask. "The Feudal district was made to stay connected to the to the past. Clearly whoever we're looking for is a fan of history and culture." Zanark lifted his arm to check his watch, that would reveal the map of the city. "Let's get a move on." Zanark ordered.

The group traveled through the city, still admiring how amazing everything looked. 

After arriving at the gates of the feudal district, Zanark would stop the group. "What's wrong Zanark?" Tezcat asked. "I can sense something... something strong..." He looked around to find the source of this power. "Keep an eye out everyone. We're being watched." Zanark warned before walking to the gates. Goldie shivered and stuck close to Victor.

The district was full of shops from the past, "Hey Victor isn't that the shop in our shopping district?" Goldie pointed to the noodle shop. "Wait it is. I'm surprised it's lasted 200 years." Victor noticed. The group heard someone's stomach growl. "Oh... sorry guys... I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten in a while." Goldie laughed and scratched her head embarrassingly. "Can we take a quick break at the noodle shop?" She asked the group. "Fine, but we can't waste any time in there." Zanark turned around.

Entering the noodle shop, Goldie and Victor already felt refreshed. It kept its original style  that the two were used to. The shop owner was behind the counter cleaning dishes, while one other person sat by the counter eating a bowl of noodles. "Go get your food then. I'll be waiting." Zanark told the group. Goldie ran to the counter and sat down, while the other three walked to the counter. "What can I get ya?" The owner turned around with a smile on their face. "Give us your best bowl!" Goldie requested. "Best bowl? Alrighty!" The owner went into the kitchen. While they waited, Zanark stood by the door to keep an eye out. He didn't know who was watching them, so he knew he had to be on guard. 

The other customer stood up, he had a huge frame and broad shoulders. The owner poked his head out the kitchen, "That all for today Bhufa?" He asked. 

"Bhufa?" Zanark repeated to himself. Almost as if the name rang a bell in his head

"Yeah, as always you've given me a full stomach." Bhufa waved to the owner as he began walking towards the door. As he walked past Zanark, the two felt a strange power between them. Bhufa didn't think much of it, walking out the shop. 

"Listen guys..." Zanark approahced the group, whispering to them.  "I'm gonna go follow that guy... something's strange about him." He informed them. "Alright, we'll stay here I guess." Victor nodded.

Zanark was quick to exit the shop, leaving the four alone. "So since we're a team now, we should get to know each other better." Goldie spoke up. "You're right. The best team is one that knows each other like family." Tezcat added. "I'll start! As you know my name is Tezcat, I was raised on Sanctum alongside my younger sister. Ever since I could remember people told me I had strange power, when Zabel arrived on the island, he told me of my power. I had the power of a fighting spirit, so he took me in to train my power. That's when the Sanctum team was being formed." Tezcat explained. "Your Fighting Spirit is so cool too, I've only ever seen Zanark's fighting spirit so its not like my knowledge of fighting spirits is wide." Goldie complimented. "I thank you." Tezcat smiled. "What about you Bailong?" Goldie looked past Tezcat. "I'm not here to act as some kind of family. I said earlier that I'm only here to show those freaks that I'm not some weakling." Bailong looked down at the counter. "He'll warm up to you guys at some point. What about you two?" Tezcat shifted the focus of the conversation to Goldie and Victor. "Well I'm Goldie Lemon, and this is Victor Blade. We go to the same school and have known each other since we were 5." Goldie responded happily. "Wait Goldie we forgot about school!" Victor yelled. "WAIT WE DID! OH CRAP WE'RE GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Goldie turned around with dread in her eyes. "What is.... school?" Tezcat asked, unknown to the concept of school. 

"Wait you didn't have some sort of school on Sanctum?" Victor looked at Tezcat in disbelief. "No.... why what is it?" The boy would try to recall. 

"That's crazy! You've gone your whole life without going to school!" Goldie's jaw dropped. "Should i come to your school? Tezcat suggested. "You should totally come to our school!" Goldie grabbed Tezcat by the shoulders and shook him, "Having you and Bailong would make it so much more fun!" She continued. "Perhaps we should try out this school thing Bailong." Tezcat turned around to see what Bailong would say. "Tch whatever. I don't care." Bailong scoffed. 

"Alright everyone! Here are ya noodles!" The chef walked out the kitchen with four bowls of noodles. "Yay!" Goldie cheered.


Zanark followed Bhufa through the district,  keeping some distance between the two. "What is with this guy...." Zanark asked himself. 

Bhufa kept walking through the crowds of people, turning around into an alley way. "Have you enjoyed the walk?" He asked after stopping at the end of the alley way. "Tch, you knew?" Zanark stopped walking, clenching his fist. "You think I can't sense your aura? Just like you could sense mine, I could sense yours." Bhufa turned around. "What's with your aura?" Zanark interrogated Bhufa. "We're not so different that. I'm sure you can figure it out on your own." Bhufa smirked. "Not so different?" Zanark repeated. "Now Zanark. Let me ask you this. Are you going against Protocol Omega?" Bhufa flipped the interrogation onto Zanark. "If I was, what is it to you?" Zanark folded his arms. "Am I not allowed to ask questions?" Bhufa inquired. "Fine, yeah I am going against  Protocol Omega." Zanark complied. 

"Good." Bhufa took out a nano device from his pocket, sticking it onto the right side of his face. As it latched on, Zanark gasped as he saw the vision become reality. "11 players..." Bhufa spoke up. "You saw the vision too???" Zanark realized Bhufa was the goalkeeper of the team. 

To be continued

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