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Stiles- "What the hell does that mean that these werewolves knew we would be at this club and knew Diego and Chole would attack so they had time to kill two people and leave two almost dead then leave a death threat to not just Diego, Chole, Enzo, and Lexar but all of us!" 

Derek- "That's exactly what they meant but why would they want to kill any of us?"

Malia- "The real question is why would they want to kill them" she says looking at Diego and his pack. 

Enzo- "Because they want Diego and Scott" he looks up at both of them.  

Laim- "Why do they want them" 

Enzo- "She wants to restart the alpha pack and she wants Scott and Diego" 

Scott- "Who is she"

Diego- "Her name is Darcy, Ducalion's sister" he says looking up at Scott.

Stiles- "Ducalion had a sister!"  

Enzo- "Yes, she's younger than he was by 10 years that's why she never joined his pack but Scott she believes you killed him, did you?" 

Scott- "No of course not he was helping us learn how to fight blind when hunters attacked and killed him" 

Enzo- "Either way that's what she believes and if she isn't coming to make you one of her pack, she's coming to kill you.." 

Everyone looked up at Enzo as he said it all in deep thought and worry for Scott's safety. Liam was helping Theo stand up from the doc's table, and Diego was helping Enzo and Lexar up from where they had sat down. Stiles looked up at Scott and Scott looked back at him they both had at least an idea of what to do right now. 

Scott- "Y'all can't leave Diego, you all need to stay herewith us in case they decide to attack again if you leave and get attacked with only four of you, you're going to all get killed, right now it's safer for y'all to stay with us"

Stiles- "We have three couches in our loft that three of them can sleep on for now"

Scott- "Someone can stay with me and Malia" he said. Malia didn't have anywhere to go so he has been letting Malia stay with him and his mom. 

Enzo- "I will stay with Scott" he says and looks at Diego and Scott who both nod. 

Derek- "Then Diego, Chole, and Lexar y'all are staying with us" 

It was all decided right there and then that it was safer for them here and that they would be staying for the time being. 

Scott- "Everyone get home and get some rest we will figure out what we are going to do tomorrow, Enzo you can come with me, Diego y'all will follow Stiles and Derek to the loft" he said as Enzo nodded and Lydia, Malia, Theo, Liam, Mason, Corey, and the rest of them left. Scott, Enzo, and Malia all went home together as Diego followed Derek and Stiles home with Chole and Lexar, Lydia went home to her house, Corey and Mason went home to their apartment, and so did Theo and Liam. 

Scott's Pov: 

Scott: "I hope you don't mind mom, he needed a place to stay for the night" 

Melissa- "No not at all" she says weridly looking at Enzo's bandages all of his body from where the alpha's had cut him that were slowly healing. "Can talk to you a minute, a lone" she says gently bringing Scott into the kitchen as Malia got Enzo situated. "Scott what happened to him" 

Scott-"Long story, but.." he says telling her everything she told Deaton. "He is going to have to stay here until we figure out what we are going up against or they will all get killed" he said to his mom. 

Melissa-  "He can stay but what about the others?" 

Scott- "They are staying with Stiles and Derek at their loft" he says as she nods at him and then he walks back over to Enzo. "We are going to go to my room, if you need anything we are right up the stairs" he says to Enzo as he points up to his room up the stairs. Malia had already given Enzo a pillow and a blanket so Scott and Malia walked straight up to Scott's room. They were getting ready for bed when Enzo knocked at the door frame to get their attention since the door was already opened. 

Enzo- "Hey I just want to say thanks for helping us and giving us a place to stay, I didn't get a chance e to say it earlier" 

Scott- "It was the right thing to do, we don't like any bloodshed happening when we can help it from not happening" he said smiling at Enzo. Enzo smiled back and nodded and headed back down to the couch. Enzo was 19 and Lexar was 21 so they were around Scott's age and the others but Chole and Diego were a few years older. 

Theo and Liam's Pov:

Theo slowly gets out of the car still hurt but still healing slowly and Liam runs over to help him inside Because Theo is having trouble walking from the pain. Liam brings him inside sets him on his bed and lifts up his shirt to look at the opened wound.

Liam- "you're still bleeding" he says shocked 

Theo- "It will stop don't bother with it" he says. It already healed in the back so you couldn't see any wound from the back. Liam ignores them and grabs the first aid kit that was already in the bathroom when they got to the apartment. Liam walks over to Theo and kneels down putting a big bandaid on the bed and holding a wet washcloth as he lifts up his shirt so Theo took it all the way off so it wouldn't get in the way of Liam. 

Liam- "This is going to hurt" 

Theo- "Liam it's fine you don't have t-" he groans loudly and grips the bed as Liam starts cleaning the wound with the washcloth. Theo was in a lot of pain with his eyes watering but he was trying not to cry. 

Liam- "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm almost done okay" he says, Theo didn't say anything back though. Liam was done cleaning the blood off he put an anti-biotic cream on it and then grabbed the bandaid. He started slowly putting the bandaid over Theo's wound looking up at him to make sure he wasn't hurting him too badly. Theo held his eyes shut for a minute wincing in pain from trying to move.

Liam- "You okay?" he said as he moved his off of the bandage and onto his knee as he asked but moved it once Theo looked back at him about to talk. 

Theo- "Yeah I will be fine just need time to heal all the way" 

Liam- "Okay well I will be in my room if you need anything" he said getting up and touching his shoulder on the way out but when he touched him he started taking Theo's pain with out even thinking about it. "You're in pain? Theo how bad does it hurt?" he said confused Theo didn't seem to look hurt not hurt enough to take pain by touching him for a second not even trying he also thought for a minute that maybe it was because he actually cared, maybe it was both. 

Theo- "Only a little" he said lying not looking at Liam.

Liam- "Be honest how much does it hurt" he said, Theo didn't reply which let Liam know he was in more pain than he was showing. I bent down in front of Theo slowly grabbing Theo's wrist making sure he trusted me and I started taking his pain. 

Theo- "Thanks Liam" he says as he looks away but this time he looks sad not in pain or hurt. Liam smiled not saying anything else and nodded and walked out the door to his room. 

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