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Stiles and Derek Pov:

After Lexar, Chole, and Diego were situated Derek pulled Stiles to the side to talk.

Derek- "Are we sure this is a good idea having them here"

Stiles- "If Scott thinks so then yeah"

Derek- "Okay as long as you think so but if we get attacked in our sleep I'm blaming you and Scott " he said taking off his shirt and getting ready for bed.

Liam's Pov-

Liam's 💭- He seemed off and not just because he's in pain maybe I should go to check on him it's the right thing to do. No, I probably shouldn't, *bang* omg what was that it came from Theo's room. I rushed in Theo was nowhere in sight, I ran back out of the room the door was left open so I ran outside looking for Theo, but there was no sign of him. I called Scott hoping he would answer but it is earlier in the morning so I don't know. 

Liam- "Scott! Theo is gone! I heard a bang come from his room and I ran over but there was no one there so I ran back out and the door was open but Theo wasn't anywhere, I have checked the whole place but he wasn't there! He wouldn't have just left without saying anything! And he still hasn't healed all the way!" 

Scott- " Liam calm down we will find him meet at my house in an hour I will tell everyone what happened" 

Scott hung up and then sent a message to the group chat saying for everyone to meet at his house in an hour and that it was argent. I look around the complex one more time hoping for a sign of Theo and then looked for his keys his truck.It took me over 3o minutes since they were well hidden and I also had no idea where he would hide them. It had been long enough so I grab the keys and head to the truck and rush over to Scott's. When I got there no one else was there yet but I could here Scott, Malia, and Enzo talking inside so I walk in. 

Malia- "Again why do we even bother looking for Theo one he can take can of himself, two who cares what happens to him" 

Scott- "He isn't going to be able to protect himself from an alpha or multiple especially wounded and we care we aren't going to leave him for dead Malia that's not who we are." 

Enzo- "We better hurry fast because who knows how much time we have" 

I walk inside hearing everything they are saying. "Enzo's right they made it clear they wanted to kill us and they obviously have Theo" 

Scott- "We don't know for sure and we don't even know where they are or what they want" 

Enzo- "But we know who they want" Enzo says and then says, "They want me and you Scott, that's probably why they took Theo" 

Stiles- "Unless you know they are sending a message by killing Theo, I think that paints in large red letters that they want to kill us, all of us!" 

Me- "Stiles is right what if they are just going to kill Theo just to tell us that they mean business" 

Lexar- "That's not her Darcy works though she likes to bring pain and chaos she isn't just going to plain kill him, if anything she would kill him in front of us making us more vulnerable and easy to kill" 

Me- "Thanks we all feel so much better now" I say sarcastically and pissed at the situation, we had no idea where Theo was, how to help him, and if they were going to kill him or if they already had or not. 

Theo's Pov: 

I woke up in a dark room I don't know where I was or what had happened but I was chained to a wall, I could smell something really strong that's when I realized where I was, the underground tunnels. I could hear water droplets slowly hitting the ground, I'm guessing from a pipe or something. That's when I saw a lady sitting at the end of the tunnel her eyes glowing red like fire and her nails unusually long and sharp. "You know who I am Theo" she says standing up, coming out of the dark. "Of course I do" I grin as a I continue "You're Deucalion's stupid bitch of a sister who thinks Scott killed him." She grabs my throat clawing into it, "I know he did I got told by one of Ducalion's old friends that he did that was before Scott killed him to" she says letting go of me and grabbing the chair and putting it in front of me. "And who would that old friend be exactly" I say. "Gerard" she says, I start laughing and she looks at me confused. "You really are dumber than you look" I say looking up at her grinning and she punches me and everything goes black. 

When I wake up I hear talking to a guy and another lady so I keep my eyes shut and don't move and listen. 

The lady- "Why don't we just kill him now it will send a message to all of them that way" 

The guy- "Yeah and I call dibs on killing him" 

Darcy- "No one is killing anyone right now he is simply the message of course when we send him back to Scott he is only going to have enough energy to tell him our message and then he is going to die" I could hear the pleasure in there voices and they headed my way. She walks over and slaps in my face as if waking me up so I open my eyes slowly as she starts to speak, "don't worry Theo we aren't going to kill you but we are going to almost" she says smiling. "I have a message for Scott tell him that I will be getting my revenge and he will be joining my pack or he has a long painful death coming his way, all of them do tell him he better watch his back and his pack because I know people like Stiles don't have the ability to heal as we do" she says as she grins and plunges her long claws into me, the next thing I know Im getting beat and clawed up and everything went black again. 

The next thing I know I'm getting thrown into Scott's house being launched for Darcy's claws as I slide across the floor barely hitting the stairs with my head as I am barely awake.

Everyone's pov: 

Scott and Laim rush over to Theo and Malia and Enzo rush towards the door and outside looking for a sign of Darcy but she was gone. Theo was barely still alive with deep cuts everywhere and blood coming from his mouth and nose. 

Scott- "We need to get him to Deaton now"

Liam and Scott pick up Theo and get out to the jeep putting him in the jeep and Scott drives as Liam stays in the back with him. 

Scott- "Theo just hold on a little longer we are going to get you help" 

Liam- "Scott he isn't looking too good" he says and Theo goes unconscious falling onto Liam's shoulder. Liam moves him to where he is laying and slaps him lightly. "Theo wake up!" he shouts as Theo slowly gains consciousness back.  

Theo- "S- she told m- me to send a message s- she said that she has a message for Scott and t- to t- tell him that she will be getting g- her revenge and that he will be joining her pack or he has a long painful death coming his way, she then said all of y'all do and t- to tell him he better watch his back and his pack because s- she knows pe- people like Stiles don't have the ability to heal as w- we do" he says slowly having trouble trying to stay conscious and be able to tell him even though he was having trouble staying alive and he was in so much pain. But before they got there he went unconscious and Liam tried getting him to wake up but he wasn't.. 

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