Small things matter

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(This takes place on the same night while Enzo and Scott were talking)

Liam and Theos pov:  

Liam could hear Enzo and Scott talking in the living room and he decided to go and check on Theo but forgot to knock and walked in. When he walked in Theo was holding his phone up with the camera up and angled so he could see behind his ear.

Liam- "Sorry I should have knocked wait what were you doing" he said as Theo quickly put his phone down after he walked in. 

Theo- "You're right you should have knocked!" 

Liam- "What were you doing looking at your neck" 

All of a sudden Theo heard a voice a lady's voice, it was Darcy but no one was around, "tell him you weren't doing anything and to get out" she said. 

Theo- "I wasn't doing anything now get out!" 

Liam- "Okay sorry" he said kind of sadly because he didn't expect him to shout at him like that. Theo was about to say sorry and that he didn't mean to be rude but Darcy spoke again, "Don't say anything let him leave." Theo didn't say anything, she was controlling him she could hear everything. "Don't you dare tell anyone you can hear me or that I can hear them or I will kill you" she said.                                                     

After about an hour of pacing and thinking and not hearing Darcy again he went and knocked on Liam's door. 

Liam- "Yeah?!" he shouted from inside the room 

Theo- "Can I come in?" Theo said gently and calmly 

Liam- "yeah." he replied and Theo came in. 

Theo- "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude and I shouldn't have yelled"

Liam- "It's okay I should have knocked"

Theo- "No it's fine if I didn't want anyone in there I would lock my door and I didn't, I don't care that you came in and I shouldn't have yelled" 

Liam- "So what were you doing that you yelled for me to get out for?" he said. Theo looked away not meeting his gaze, "Theo?"

Theo- "Nothing.." he said looking slightly up at Liam then back away. Liam could tell something was off about him, he didn't have the usual boldness in his voice as he spoke he was oddly gentle speaking to him. Theo turned to leave looking at the ground as Liam gently grabbed his arm and Theo looked up at him and they looked at each other for a moment and  Liam let go. "Theo you can talk to me" Liam said after letting Theo go but still keeping eye contact. 

Theo- "I can't." he said, his eyes glistening as tears formed and his voice shaky and he went back into his room. He wanted to tell Liam but he couldn't, Darcy wouldn't let him. He was upset, pissed, sad, he was feeling so many emotions he stormed into the bathroom looking at himself remembering Darcy as he punched the mirror in anger and the anger turned into a sob. There was glass everywhere and he sat down against the door locking it hoping no one heard the mirror starter but he knew they had. Liam, Scott, and Liam had moved into the room and Scott knocked on the bathroom door.

Scott- "Theo you okay in there?"

Theo- "Everything is fine." he said but you could hear the shakiness in his voice and that he had been crying or that he was. 

Enzo- "What are we supposed to do?" 

Scott- "We can't really do anything when he wants to talk he will talk but for now we just leave him alone" he says as he and Enzo start to leave.

Liam- "I think I'm going to just wait in case he wants to talk" he says and Scott nods and Scott and Enzo leave the room. Liam sits down leaning against Theo's bed in front of the bathroom door.  "Look Theo if you don't want to talk about whatever is wrong that's okay but I'm going to stay here and you don't have to speak but if you want to we can talk about anything you want to" Liam said but Theo didn't respond he was to shaken up. Liam talked a little here and there even though Theo wouldn't answer. 

Liam- "You know I think Scott thinks he is my favorite person but he's not" Liam said loud enough for both Theo and Scott to hear.

Scott- "hey!" he shouted from the other room. 

Liam- "oh shit I think he heard me" he said and then he heard Theo laugh which made Liam smile and after a while the bathroom door opened. Liam was still sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom when Theo came out, his eyes were red and puffy and he came and sat on the floor next to him. 

Theo- "You stayed, why?..." 

Liam- "I told you I would and I wanted to know if you were okay" he said and he noticed that Theo's eyes had started watering and Theo was smiling just a little. "Is something wrong?" Liam said confused. 

Theo- "No, no, I guess I just have never had someone actually show that much care for me.." he said, he could feel Liam looking at him so he looked back at him and into Liam's blue eyes and after a minute they both broke eye contact shyly. 

Liam- "I should probably go and let you sleep" 

Theo- "Liam don't leave. Please." he said, his voice soft and his hands were shakey and cold. Liam nodded and sat on the couch beside his bed and Theo laid down. Theo didn't want to be alone not since he had really always been alone and just the day before he literally got kidnapped from is own room. He also liked the company of Liam being there and knowing Scott and Enzo weren't far away. 

Liam's Pov- 

When I woke up Theo was still asleep but what I noticed was Theo had put his blanket on me and gotten a thinner blanket. 

Theo- "You got cold last night so I gave you my blanket and got a different one" he said turning to look at me he was still half asleep and tired but I mean he.. you know didn't look bad. I Didn't really expect Theo to have such a soft side but he did I guess you just have to get to know him and not assume like everyone has lately about Theo, except for Scott I think he is warming up to Theo. 

Me- "Thanks" I couldn't help but smile and he smiled back it might not have been a big gesture but since the gesture was from Theo it meant a lot. I didn't really know if he wanted me to leave or not but I wanted to go check in on Scott and Enzo. "I'm going to go check on Scott and Enzo" I said getting up.

Theo- "Okay" 

When I walked into the living room they were both asleep on the couch so I grabbed one of the couch pillows and threw it at Scott who then woke up Enzo at the same time and they both stood up fast. 

Scott- "We're up!" he said and I just smiled and they both smiled to. After they started waking up I went into my room to change and get ready for the day I put on a plain red shirt with blue jeans when I came out Theo was leaning against his door frame with his arm crossed looking at Scott and Enzo and he looked kind of.. I mean he looked okay, I guess. I guess I zoned out but I realized after Theo looked at me, man I hope he didn't see me staring I didn't mean to stare I just kind of did I guess, I don't know. 

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