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(Hours before Theo got taken, taking place in London) 

(Ethan and Jackson were making out on the bed, and Ethan started kissing down Jackson's neck while holding himself above Jackson with Jackson lying under him.) Ethan all of a sudden stopped and looked around. 

Ethan- "Did you hear that?"

Jackson- "It was probably just one of those annoying neighbors we have just ignore it." Ethan ignored it and kept kissing Jackson. A few minutes later the door was kicked down by hunters shooting a wolfsbane dart at Ethan hitting him in the shoulder and as Jackson sat up the other one shot an arrow at Jackson hitting him also on the shoulder, both getting knocked to the ground. The girl hunter then tied them both up with thick rope and then she used kanima venom to paralyze Ethan and the other hunter the male hunter held a crossbow against Jackson's neck. After the lady hunter dropped the bottle that had the kanima venom she also put a crossbow to Ethan's neck.

Lady Hunter- "Now boys we weren't sent here to kill you, now we were sent here to bring you to someone else who probably plans on killing you, but that's not our problem we're just in it for the money so we do as we are told, bring you two to some guy who is going to transport y'all to some other hunters" 

Jackson- "Not if you don't make it there alive" he said pissed and taking out his claws and glowing his eyes. The male hunter pressed the arrow into his neck reminding him he would be killed before he could reach either of them if they tried anything. 

Lady Hunter- "As I said we aren't here to kill you so don't make us have to kill you both, it would be such a waste killing animals as pretty as you" she said grinning placing her hand on Jackson's jaw and chin and she said it as Jackson gave a hard cold heartless pissed stare back looking like he could explode from anger. 

Ethan- "And how do you plan on getting us from here to the guy" he said smiling knowing it would be hard for them to move him and Jackson without getting a chance for Jackson and him to kill the two hunters. The lady's grin broke as she grabbed the gun hitting Ethan in the face and knocking him out and as Jackson untied his hands to go for her she hit him and knocked him out too. When they woke up they were tied together in a transport van and the guy hunter was in the back holding a machine gun pointed at them so they wouldn't move. About 15 minutes into the drive the van slambed to a stop making the hunter lose balance and Ethan and Jackson hit the back of the seats in front of them. 

Lady hunter- "Wait here and don't let them move something popped our tire" she said to the male hunter watching Jackson and Ethan as she got out of the truck with her gun. Ethan and Jackson focused their hearing to see if something we wrong. 

Lady hunter- "What the hell" she said confused pulling something out of the tire, it was an arrow the same arrow that they were using and the same as one of the hunter's friends who was also on a mission like theirs. "OH MY GOD" she gasped as their friend's dead body fell in front of her.  

Alpha female werewolf- "Sorry did you know him" she said as she grinned, "sorry maybe I should have started with an introduction my names Cleo and I'ma be taking the two boys you have in that van." 

Lady Hunter- "Try and stop me" she says holding up her gun as she started shooting. 

Cleo- "Y'all always do like the hard way" 

Jackson and Ethan listened as the Lady screamed for help and the guy hunter got out of the truck. All of a sudden the van doors open and there is a woman holding and dropping both of the hunter's decapitated heads, Cleo they assumed and they assumed right it was Cleo. She got in the van, "hi boys" she said smiling, and then they both got knocked out. 

Hours later the two wake up in a dark tunnel with the Cleo girl, a guy, and another girl. "Oh good y'all are awake, I'm Darcy," the leader-looking one says. 

Ethan- "Where are we"

Darcy- "You're a smart guy Ethan take a guess"

Ethan- "Beacon hills" he says in a deep hollow voice.

Darcy- "Correct" she says as Jackson tries to stand up, "I wouldn't do that if I was you it's best if you sit back down Jackson" she says as she looks over to the male alpha standing beside her with his claws and fangs out. 

Ethan- "How do you know who we are" 

Darcy- "Who doesn't know about the once former Alpha twins in my brother's alpha pack, that was until he got killed trying to prove himself to a dumb little teenage boy claiming to be a true alpha and you Jackson the former Kanima threat to beacon hills being controlled by a dead teenage boy named Matt and then turning into a werewolf who's still part Kanima."  What she had said pissed both of them off especially her mentioning Aiden. 

Ethan- "Scott is a true alpha and is better than you in every single way and can defeat you without even killing you" 

Darcy- "Oh but that's the thing, he did kill my brother" 

Ethan- "I remember you now, Ducalion's little sister, he always talked about you and how much of an annoying bitch you were" he said smiling at her as he continued seeing her get mad. "He always said you would never leave him alone about being in the pack and how if you were you would be dead weight and get killed before you could kill." That pissed her off even more she grabbed Ethan throwing him across the room as Cleo grabbed Jackson Pinning him to the wall as she punched him repeatedly. Darcy clawed at Ethan and punched leaving him bloody but still alive and calling Cleo to stand down. 

Darcy- "As much as I would enjoy killing you right here we could use you in our pack but don't worry we won't make you do anything now we actually are going to let y'all go and tell you exactly where Scott is, you will find him at the animal clinic with Theo if Theo is still alive by now if he is tell him that he isn't going to get off the hook so easily and tell Scott that he better be thinking fast because we aren't just going to keep letting y'all go, next one is to kill" she says as she walks away with the other two Alpha's following her. 

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