Make Someone Happy

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A hug never hurt nobody,

A smile never killed anybody,

Negativity is a common struggle,

But a hug to a loved one?

It could make a rainbow!

Don't contain your love,

Don't hold in your laugh,

Smile at that person!

Shoot a wave, a hi, a compliment.

It's not worth it to frown over a dark cloud.

In a few miles resides a white one.

Wherever there is no hope,

It's in a hiding place,

Waiting to be discovered.

Make someone happy,

All it takes is a smile,

A hug, a compliment, a simple hi!

Forget the anxiety, forget the past,

Make yourself happy, too!

Eat some food, talk to strangers,

Get some air, watch funny videos.

Sulking is fun... but laughing is more fun,

Don't waste your ray of sunshine in a black hole,

Instead, use it where it can be seen.

It doesn't take much,

Just smile.

With mascara or not,

With tears or not,


Make someone happy,

And someone will make you happy.


Believe it or not, we all have struggles. Even the most "perfect" looking people. It's not fair to just let someone else be sad and then expect happiness.

Positivity is fun! Even without any result.

Have a lovely and happy day! (Because you are a spectacular person!) ✨️

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