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Juwon was the heir. It was as simple as that. He couldn't allow himself the simple luxury of friends, as his mother had put it. His father? More absent in his life but likely to come back the minute his grades were less than desirable.

He wasn't dumb.

He knew singing was merely just a small thing for him he could do—Juwon was filling in the gaps that his mother couldn't quite achieve. His mother, a failed singer, had been consumed in her utter humiliation in not succeeding that she had pushed her only son to fulfill her goal. His father had been unwilling.

There were talks of them divorcing.

Did he care? Sure, he did. But it had become sickeningly normalized for him to the point where he simply stopped caring enough. Perhaps just a glimpse or two through the peephole. That was enough for him—Y/n was his world. He would sacrifice the person he loved for the world; but there was that.

Y/n was his world.

And now he was gone.

Dead? His mother said he wasn't dead. But his mother was a liar. He knew that. He knew his mother had multiple affairs she was hiding from his father. He knew his father had, too. How many starlets, how many models had been brought into their house?

Juwon crushed the wrapper beneath his feet, hearing that sickening crack sound on the floor. The yellow cream ebbed out. Juwon stared at it.

Lemon Popsicle, Buy one get one free!

Pain flooded in.

Y/n's favorite popsicle.

He had just crushed it.


Juwon, Elijah, Jun, Naren, Rui—they were all present for the reality show to start. The only thing was the fact that Xin Hui wasn't here.

"He's out shooting for a drama," One of the staff told him—the director, presumably—"he'll join us in the second episode, after the first one airs."

"Isn't that a little messy?" Y/n said doubtfully, "the fans..."

"We delayed it long enough. The CEO isn't too happy." Haneul—the assistant manager—gave a sigh, "to begin with, everything is messy. But at least we can rely on the popularity of them pre-debut. In fact, I was quite surprised when you accepted the position, Y/n."

I didn't want to.

"Then there's even the obvious product placement. Fans won't think it's authentic."

"Well, that's how famous people live right?" Haneul shrugged, "I mean, don't you think that sometimes it's lucky you didn't debut? It's terrifying to think of all the potential sasaengs..." she gave a full body shudder.

"That's true."

Y/n fiddled with the list on his hand. They were filming an episode: Paradise Or Hell, Episode One: and it was relatively easy, light-hearted. There wouldn't be any elements of danger incorporated into it. It was basically them cooking together, to a panel of the judges that were also the judges of survival show.

Somehow, their activity had leaked and people had commented with sad emojis.

Ah...isn't that too cruel for our boys TT that's PTSD for them..

Xin Hui isn't there..

Fighting! Look forward to what they have in store. My sweet boys, wishing you a good debut!

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