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So like a day later, you got fed up with having to be in bed all day and managed to slip past Knockout to go visit Sounders! When you found Sounders working like usual, you tried to sneak up on him (but Sounders already knew you were there) so you didn't scare him which made you sad. When Sounders picked you up he had and emoji on his visor again '🤨' and he played a series of audio clips that asked you, "Are you—not meant to—be in—bed?" You just shrugged and showed Sounders your Minecraft House, he was very impressed because he gave you a thumbs up. Your house was really coming together, you just started to decorate the garden outside with plants and flowers you found.

But then you got the feeling again, but this time you could tell the shadow creature was even stronger but you could also sense four more presences, which you thought was odd. So when you jumped off Sounders shoulder leaving the phone in your pocket, you became more alert knowing something or someone else was on the ship.

Sounders on the other hand, had found out the Autobots were on the ship. He was about to put you somewhere safe when he noticed you were gone, he started to panic a little bit and soon told Lord Megs what had happened. And then Lord Megs ran off with lots of Vehicons to defeat the Autobots and also find you since they needed you to get rid of the shadow creatures on board the ship.


As you ran through the dimly lit hallways you could sense you were getting closer to the shadow creature, but then you stopped and could sense even more shadow creatures but where. . ? This puzzled you but before you could think on it further your body started moving again, lately you had noticed you had slightly more control of yourself when you got the feeling, you could move your fingers now when you got the feeling which is an improvement considering you couldn't control your movements at all before.

When you passed a certain hallway you saw something brightly coloured in the hallway but your body was moving on its own towards the shadow creature. You kept running towards the shadow creatures presence, that's when you felt yourself speed up as you felt those strange presences again, but behind you. You ran at a speed that you thought wasn't possible, and finally there is was. The shadow creature. It didn't look like the normal shadow creatures, it had a different shape, one that looked more like a male human but just as a shadow. This was odd, you had never seen one like this but still you knew what you had to do. You charged the shadow creature from behind, jumping on its back. Your fingers and becoming glowing gold claws again you noticed.

You then started clawing at the shadow creatures face, you could tell you were inflicting damage since the shadow creature was screeching at a high pitch frequency. But that didn't stop you from tearing its head off, but when you did tear its head off it didn't die its head reattached to its body on its own. Then you decided to try a different trick, one you'd seen in films. You then slashed it in half before tearing it into little pieces so it couldn't go back together. When you had finished with the shadow creature you turned around to see some more Cybertronians of some kind staring at you in horror, but before you could run you felt a bash to the back of your head and everything went black.


Meanwhile Sounders was busy panicking, because he had seen you get caught by the Autobots through the cameras and he knew Lord Megs would be furious with the Autobots and probably murder another Vehicon when he finds out. Sounders could tell something changed inside him when he first held you when you were asleep, it felt as though a part of his coding had turned on that wasn't on before he met you, it was strange for him to say the least.

But when Sounders told Lord Megs something different appeared on Megs faceplate, not anger but worry. Megs was worried about you? This was strange to Sounders, then Sounders realised that shadow creatures would invade the ship without you here so he now understood why Megs was worried about you.

Sounders now knows that Megs definitely needs therapy or some guidance, either way Sounders would have to get involved so it didn't really matter at the moment because you were gone! Sounders was feeling emotions for someone other than his minicons in millions of years. Now Laserbeak was quite happy that his master had found his feelings again, but of course Sounders thought differently.


Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been busy with exams and I'm now writing another book as well, it's called 'Experiment 010' if you wanna check it out. I've only just started writing it so there isn't much to read, but it's also going to involve the Decepticons :) sorry about the short chapter btw,

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