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At first the caretakers at the orphanage all saw you as a bright child, but when you started "acting-out" and causing "trouble" they started to see you as a trouble maker and an odd child. It isn't your fault that you can see things others can't. You have special sight, you can see these shadow creatures that others can't. The shadow creatures all look different to one another but they always have one thing in common, they can't be seen by anyone but you and they're always causing chaos. The shadow creatures are always different sizes and shapes, they can even have multiple mouths and eyes some don't have any at all. You seem to be the only person you know of that can see these shadow creatures and actually "kill" them, you can even see cursed objects. One time someone donated cursed books to the orphanage and you had to tear them up, of course you got in trouble because the caretakers couldn't see that the books were cursed. You were considered an outcast, a freak by the other children due to your strange actions. So you were always alone, that's usually fine with you but in this situation you wish you had a friend to help you.

The new caretaker that joined a couple months ago is currently dragging you towards his classic white van, he acted normal and gave none any suggestions of his intentions, not even you. But you being a small child doesn't help this kidnapping situation. You can't scream because he has his hand over your mouth but you're struggling and trying to free yourself from his grasp as much as possible. As your dragged away by this man, some shadow creatures are looking on with amusement from the trees around you. They're laughing, or seem to be at least it's hard to tell. Of course the shadow creatures don't even try to help, you don't expect such creatures to help you anyways. They take delight in suffering. You don't know where they came from or even what they actually are but you just call them "The shadow creatures". The man seems to be getting frustrated and annoyed by you struggling in his grip so he says in a frustrated tone "Stop struggling! I've seen your report, nones gonna miss a freak like you." Yet you continue to struggle, trying to break free from his grip. The man holding you continues to get frustrated at your attempts to free yourself. "Stop resisting! Your organs will sell nicely on the black market since you're a healthy kid." You finally had enough and bit down as hard as you could on the hand covering your mouth, your face was covered in blood by the time he let go with a "manly" scream of pain. You quickly turn on your heel and run away from the man, a shadow creature reached its clawed hand out for you. But it soon regreted it, since you simply teared its arm off by touching its arm as you ran past. This scared off the shadow creatures. . For now at least.


As Megatron walked down the corridor, frustration and stress evident on his faceplate. For the past 3 Earth months strange events have been occurring on the Decepticon war ship, vehicons have gone missing, weird figures have been spotted by bots the figures haven't been able to be seen on the cameras, weird scratch marks have appeared on the Nemesis's walls. Every single bot on the Nemesis has had this weird ache on their shoulder plates, even Megatron. Everybot has been uneasy even Soundwave, who's known for being emotionless and calm even in the worst situations.

As Megatron continued his walk down the dimly lit Nemesis hallways, he rolled his shoulder plates and tried to get rid of the unpleasant ache but it was to no avail. When Megatron turned a corner the Decepticon medic known as Knockout walked into Megatron. Knockout said in a panic "M-My apologies my leige, I did not see you there." Megatron waved his servo in a dismissive manner not having the energy to do anything about it, before he asked Knockout "Any progress on finding the cause of the incidents?" Knockout shook his helm and said, "I've checked everybot even the Vehicons but nothing seems out of the ordinary from what I can tell, no viruses, no malfunctions in their coding, nothing." Megatron sighed in annoyance, but then Knockout reluctantly added on, "Although. . ." Megatron raised an opticridge in interest, urging Knockout to go on. "I do have a theory on what could be happening my leige. Even if my theory is a bit, uh superstitious. ." Megatron stared at Knockout for a second before he said, "Go on." Knockout took a deep breath before he explained, "Exactly 3 Earth months ago, Commander Starscream with some Vehicons went to mine a energon deposit in a cave underground a few miles away from a human civilisation, as Commander Starscream mentioned in the report. However when I talked to Commander Starscream further on the matter, it turns out in the report he didn't mention that there was an ancient human temple there that got destroyed when they were mining. Maybe by destroying the human temple some... Entities or spirits were angered... and are now haunting us?" Megatron let out a snort of amusement and annoyance before he walked past and said, "I refuse to believe any human 'spirits' are even capable enough to harm our species. Send out a troupe of Vehicons to scout the area." Knockout replied with a 'Yes my leige.' before he left to do Megatrons orders, which left Megatron to wander the Nemesis's hallways in silence.


You ran and ran and ran. . Until your little legs couldn't run anymore and you fell into a hole in the forest floor. Thankfully you landed in a pile of bushes and leaves, only getting some scrapes and future bruises as it was a long fall and the leafs were a little sharp. As you stood up and brushed dirt off yourself you got 'the feeling'. . .
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and the outside of your vision grew bright gold. "It's a strong one." You thought, you'd only ever gotten the feeling once before. It was when a really strong shadow creature came to the orphanage, it gave the other kids nightmares for months and once you defeated it the other kids had insomnia for weeks after. You didn't even know where you were going but you were moving in the direction 'the feeling' was guiding you to. When you got 'the feeling' you couldn't control what you were doing, you could only feel the five senses if you got it.

As you reached the area you were being guided to you could hear some drilling happening in the background. As you entered a large cave, you saw a red robot that had a shadow creature on its back, in fact there was more robots with more shadow creatures, but the red robots one was the strongest and largest. The red robot turned and looked at you then said something, but you paid no mind to what it said. You tilted your head upwards in the direction of the shadow creature, the shadow creature turned its head and clenched then unclenched its claws, it looked down at you despite the lack of site all its mouths gave a toothy grin indicating it could sense you were no ordinary child.

It lunged first with its claws stretched outwards to grab you, you caught it by either side of its head and tore it in half. The creature let out an ear crippling screech as it disappeared like it never existed. But with you using this amount of power without having any food came a price, your palms became slightly burned.


Deathly silence.
All the cons stared at the human with shock filled optics, no bot moved an inch. Not even when a shadow creature appeared on Knockouts shoulder plates so suddenly and lunged at the human, Knockout took a step back in shock. All the cons watched in awe and slight horror as the human tore the shadowy figure in two with ease.

Knockout noticed it immediately when the weight was lifted off his shoulder plates like it was never there, the fatigue, the exhaustion, the pain, all gone like a snap of a bots digits. A soft thud caught Knockouts attention, the human was unconscious on the ground. He stared at the femme in silence as did the other cons except they were staring at Knockout waiting for orders. The longer Knockout stared at her in silence, the more noticeable her injuries became.

Then Knockout cleared his voice box before ordering "Continue with the energon transportation." As the other cons started getting back to work, he then carefully scooped the human up into his servos and said "I'll be taking this human back to the ship."

Whatever just happened, this human youngling had something to do with it.


Just to make it clear to you Toasties the '—' is when it's just me speaking at the end of a chapter when it's the '•' it means a timeskip or wind back in time so you can see the other view of what happened. Hope you enjoyed and my other book will be going back up soon.

-1572 words btw

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