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As Knockout walked through the dimly lit halls of the Nemesis, he carried the human against his chasis to hide her from most Vehicons that passed him, for once not wanting to draw attention to himself. He silently studied her injuries and tried to figure out how she could have possibly gotten them, he also searched on something humans call "Google" about human anatomy and medical information.

When he finally reached the throne room he took a deep vent and glanced at your unconscious form before he entered the throne room. Like usual Lord Megatron was sat on his throne deep in thought while Vehicons worked around the room, Soundwave was in the corner at a computer terminal doing who knows what like usual, and Starscream was nowhere to be seen. Knockout cleared his voice box to get Megatrons attention before he spoke, "My leige, I have found something that could help solve the strange incidents that have been going on." Megatron raised an opticridge before he said, "Spit it out then doctor." In an impatient tone. Then Knockout held out your unconscious form for Megatron to see, Megatron blinked in confusion and slight fury. "HOW IS THIS FLESHY SUPPOSE TO SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS?! AND WHY ARE THEY ON THE SHIP?!" Megatron roared now stood up and stomping towards Knockout. Knockout gulped but was surprisingly saved by a mech none would expect, Soundwave! Soundwave tapped Megatron on the shoulder plate and when Megatron turned to face him, displayed the footage from the mine of you killing that shadow creature.

Knockout let out a vent in relief, while Megatrons expression of fury changed to one of thought and interest as he slowly turned to look down at your unconscious form. Soundwave also looked at you, but in slight happiness that no one could see due to his visor. Soundwave oddly thought that for a human you were pretty adorable and he was glad that the strange incidents could finally be solved. "Knockout, heal this human's injuries and watch over her until she wakes. Soundwave, find information about this human. When she wakes up bring her to me, this human shall not be harmed." Megatron ordered.

Megatron sat back down on his throne and watched as Knockout left the throne room, it was clear to him whatever those shadow creatures were doing could be stopped by this human.


And When Knockout got back to the MedBay he immediately began treating your injuries and explaining what happened to a very confused Breakdown as he worked. When Knockout scanned you he was very confused and surprised with the results, it seems you are very different from man kind.

Sorry it took so long for me to post, I was thinking of ideas for what to write next and I just got back to school so I had to get used to my routine again. I hope you Toasties are doing well and that I didn't disappoint you. This is a short chapter by the way.

-525 words btw

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