To be continued

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My cries have never been heard,
Never from near,
Never from afar,
There are people who care for me,
But I just seem to be on the edge of a cliff,
The winds push me forward,
One step at a time,
I'm going forward,
My mind is a mess,
A beautiful mess,
I think of it as that,
None were its suspects,
It was just me,
And myself,
I don't feel like it anymore,
Am I slipping?
I am indeed,
I don't like it here,
Voices tear me apart,
I wanna cry,
The tears are worried,
It bleeds,
My head's spinning,
I can't take it anymore,
I feel low,
This world is cruel,
I can't live here anymore,
My life doesn't seem to be nice,
The trauma comes again,
My childhood was ruined,
I'm not stable now,
[To be continued]
-Krishna Parmar

P.S. I'm thankful for the people in my life.
And God too.

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