Part 3 Lipstick

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The conversation flowed easily, filled with chatter about the  high-energy concert and the whirlwind of cities on his upcoming tour

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The conversation flowed easily, filled with chatter about the high-energy concert and the whirlwind of cities on his upcoming tour. Each shared detail fueled the bittersweet pang in your heart. Tomorrow evening, he'd be gone again, leaving another gap in the timeline of your connection. "Better a stolen moment than none," you thought with a sigh, pushing away the unwelcome image of him returning home and spending time with someone else. It wasn't your place to dwell on that.

Glancing down at your ice cream, you noticed the telltale signs of melting. A mischievous grin spread across your face. Scooping up a small amount of the softening vanilla, you dabbed it playfully onto your lips, mimicking lipstick application. H/N watched you, his gaze flitting between your movements and your face, amusement, and curiosity battling for dominance.

With a flourish, you finished your self-made "lipstick" with a dramatic lick, savoring the sweetness. A burst of laughter erupted from H/N, warm and genuine like a melody only he could play. It was moments like these, suspended in time, where the world faded away, and only the two of you existed that you knew you'd treasure most.

"What on earth are you doing?" he chuckled, his eyes sparkling with fondness.

"Oh, you know," you replied, wiping a touch of melted ice cream from your cheek with a playful grin. "Just reliving some childhood memories. This was my go-to technique when the ice cream started to melt."

You dipped your spoon back into the cup, ready to reapply your "lipstick," when H/N's laughter filled the air once more. It was a sound you would hold onto long after his departure, a reminder of the simple joy you shared in stolen moments. "What?" you said with a grin, seeing the fondness in his eyes. "It's still fun."

"You didn't get it all," H/N murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent a pleasant shiver through you.

His hand lingered a beat too long near your face, his thumb brushing against the corner of your mouth in a caress that felt like a spark igniting a bonfire within you. This simple gesture held a depth of intimacy you hadn't dared to dream of. He had always been a casual friend, the kind who delivered friendly pats on the back or a friendly hug, but not this.

But then he shattered the comfortable distance altogether. He licked his thumb, savoring the taste of the ice cream with a deliberate slowness that made you flush with heat. His eyes, usually warm and friendly, held a new intensity, a hunger that mirrored the churning in your gut. "Vanilla just tastes the best," he said huskily, his voice barely a whisper. His eyes seemed to hold a hidden message, a depth of feeling you couldn't quite decipher. "I'm sure it tastes even better from your lips."

Before you could process his words, his lips were on yours. It was a moment suspended in time, every sensation heightened by the realization of what was happening. His hand cupped your cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with an undeniable longing. How long had you dreamed of this moment? How many nights had you imagined his lips against yours, never daring to believe it could become a reality?
And yet here he was, kissing you softly but with an unmistakable desire that mirrored your own. You surrendered to the kiss, losing yourself in the heat of the moment. It felt like a dream, too perfect to be real. You wanted to savor every second, to imprint this memory onto your heart forever. When he pulled away, you found yourself staring at him in disbelief, your heart racing with a mix of exhilaration and uncertainty. He met your gaze with a mischievous grin, a hint of playfulness in his eyes that made your pulse quicken even more. "Actually, it tastes even better from your lips. Sorry, couldn't resist it," he remarked, his voice low and husky. "Would you like to put some on again?"

"What... I... you..." you stuttered, struggling to find the right words to express the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you.

"Have I left you speechless? You're not usually at a loss for words," H/N remarked his tone a mix of amusement and concern.

You couldn't help but feel a surge of disbelief and confusion, still putting your fingers to your lips in disbelief. Had that really just happened?
"I thought you'd found someone," you blurted out, your voice laced with a tremor you couldn't control. "Didn't you think about her feelings? You can't just kiss me when you have a girlfriend at home," your voice tinged with frustration and hurt. The joy of the kiss, once vibrant, had been overshadowed by a storm of conflicting emotions. Hurt battled with a spark of hope, disbelief with a yearning you hadn't acknowledged before.

H/N's confident facade seemed to crumble for a moment. A flash of vulnerability crossed his face, catching you off guard. He held your gaze steadily, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Who are you talking about? There's no girlfriend at home," he said, his words carrying a weight that sent shivers down your spine. "There's no one but you."

To be continued...

Hello lovelies,

Part 3 of "Sweet Surprise" is out now. 🍦💕

Awww I'm melting...That kiss was really unexpected. (/▿\ )

What will happen next? Part 4 is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Thank you for your support!

YumiYue 🌙💖


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fan fiction. All characters and events are fictional and are not intended to represent real people or events.

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