Part 1 Ice Cream

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The cool evening air wrapped around you like a comforting blanket as  you strolled alongside H/N towards the ice cream parlor

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The cool evening air wrapped around you like a comforting blanket as you strolled alongside H/N towards the ice cream parlor. The late hour cast the street in a soft, golden glow, and the only sounds were the gentle click of your heels on the sidewalk and the distant hum of the city settling down for the night. The near-emptiness of the parlor was a welcome sight, a stark contrast to the usual crowds of fans that surrounded H/N whenever he was out in public. You breathed a sigh of relief, knowing you could enjoy some stolen moments without the constant buzz of recognition.

"Any idea what flavor you're going for?" H/N asked, his voice a soft murmur tinged with a hint of amusement. He tilted his head slightly, his dark eyes searching yours for a hint.

"Always a classic for me," you replied with a smile. "Every time I get adventurous, I end up disappointed." You glanced at the colorful display of ice cream tubs lining the wall. The freedom to agonize over such a simple choice seemed like a luxury in his whirlwind life of schedules and constant demands.

He chuckled, the sound like warm honey. "Maybe you're just ordering the wrong fancy flavors," he teased, his eyes sparkling. He lingered at the display, brow furrowed in concentration as he scanned the seemingly endless options. His indecision was adorable, a childlike wonder replacing the stoic facade he wore on stage. A wave of warmth washed over you as you watched him, the joy of seeing him so relaxed and carefree a balm to your soul. This brief reprieve from the pressures of his career was something you knew he cherished, and witnessing it filled you with a quiet happiness, tinged with a hint of longing for more moments like these.

This wasn't your first encounter, but it had been a while since you'd last stolen away a few precious moments with him. Tonight, while he was on tour, your town had become a temporary haven, a chance to reconnect with the man behind the dazzling persona. You knew these stolen moments were fleeting, but you also knew they were worth every glance and whispered word, fortifying you for the next period of longing and waiting.

A playful smile tugged at H/N's lips as he scanned your selection. "Just one scoop in a cup? Don't you feel tempted by the waffle cone?" he queried, his voice laced with amusement.

"Nope," you chuckled, shaking your head. "Last cone I had declared war on me."

His grin widened, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Now that's a story I have to hear," he insisted, leaning in conspiratorially.

Just then, the friendly employee behind the counter interrupted, chiming in with the price in your native language. As you handed over the money, a flicker of wonder crossed the young server's face. "Is that your boyfriend?" they inquired, their voice filled with innocent curiosity.

The innocent question about your relationship status struck you like a bolt from the blue. "Ah, no," you stammered, a touch of sadness tinging your voice. "Just a friend." You forced a smile, but the pang of disappointment was undeniable. H/N's recent text messages had been peppered with casual mentions of someone catching his eye. In your countless text messages, he had always casually hinted at it. While a genuine part of you rejoiced in his happiness, a tiny corner of your heart ached. You hadn't allowed yourself to get your hopes up and were grateful to be in contact with him. You had done your best not to let it show, and, to all appearances, it had worked. But now, this innocent question had laid bare the emotions you'd carefully concealed.

The employee's remark sent a jolt through you. "Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that," he chirped, his gaze flitting between you and H/N. "The way he looks at you, you'd think you were a couple." A blush flared across your cheeks, a mixture of confusion and something... else. You struggled to formulate a response, the simple remark leaving you tongue-tied.
"Well..." the employee continued, oblivious to your inner turmoil, "if you're single and interested, we could meet up sometime." He offered a sheepish grin, his youthful enthusiasm completely missing the mark.

As if sensing the awkward shift in the conversation, H/N cleared his throat, the sound sharp and clear. "Y/N," he interjected, his gaze flickering between you and the employee. A smile played on his lips, but it held more intimidation than warmth. "If you don't want your ice cream to melt, we should probably get going."

Relief washed over you like a wave of cool water on a scorching day. "Ah, yes, you're right," you agreed quickly. Let's go."

You mumbled a quick thank you to the employee, leaving his offer hanging awkwardly in the air. Picking up your ice cream cups, you turned towards the exit, a silent invitation for H/N to follow.
The park beckoned, a haven of privacy compared to the ice cream parlor. It boasted a beautiful little lake, one of your favorite spots for a quiet stroll. Sharing this peaceful sanctuary with H/N felt like a privilege, the shared connection adding a sweet layer to the tranquility of the setting.

On the way to a bench, H/N asked, "What did the employee say to you? You looked a bit... confused." What should you reply to that? "Oh, you know, he thought we were a couple." You couldn't very well say that. You hesitated for a moment, caught between honesty and the fear of revealing your true feelings. H/N's gaze held a quiet intensity, and you knew a flimsy lie wouldn't hold water.

To be continued...

Hello lovelies,
here we go again! This time I'm taking you on a sweet journey with my new story "Sweet Surprise". 🍦✨

This light-hearted summer tale is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Dive into the charming world of a mild summer evening and heartfelt confessions.

I hope you enjoy it. Leave some love and share your thoughts in the comments! 💬❤️

Part 2 is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Thank you for your support!

YumiYue 🌙💖

PS I think Stray Kids's song "Waiting For Us" fits this story quite well. (⌒▽⌒)💜

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fan fiction. All characters and events are fictional and are not intended to represent real people or events.

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© 2024 LunaVerse - YumiYue07. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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