ch. 1

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"Hurry up mom!" I yell at my mom while she walks into the store.

"Yeah yeah!" She yells back.

I lean back in the car and close my eyes. It was 3:00 am and my mom dragged me out to the store. I decided to stay in the car because i was tired. She took the keys in so noone would steal the car.

My name is kieran. Im 17 years old. I have a happy life back home eith my mom. Its like we are best friends really.

I turn to get more comfy when my knee hits the door lock.

"Ugh. Fuck it." I mutter and decide to leave the doors unlocked.

Big mistake.

As i was about to sleep, i hear the door open.

"Did you get the pickles?" I mutter to my mom, my eyes still closed.

I feel someone grab my shirt and yank me out of the car.

I open my eyes and look at who grabed me.

His jawline was the most defined jaw ive evef seen. His blonde hair was cut short. His eyes were a hazel i could just stare at all day. He was plain beautiful.

"Wow..." i breath out.

"Mikey hurry up!" A man yells.

He picks me up and carries me towards the man. I look to him and notice he is as beautiful. His hair was a bright red and longer. His face wwas shorter than the mikey boy. As we approached him he smiled.

Goddamn his teeth were beautiful.

"Gerard, get her in the car." Mikey says.

Im getting kidnapped by two beautiful men.

"Help!" I scream when i realize im getting kidnapped.

"Shut the fuck up." Mikey grabs my shoilders and forces me close to him.

"No.. please..." i whisper, tears falling.

"I said shut up." He spits and slaps me across the face.

Gerard gets in the car and he drives off fast i turn around and see my mom running to our car. She looks around franticlly. I turn back around and cry. I feel a yanking on my wrists and look down. Mikey is tying my hands up. I close my eyes and cry as gerard drives us to who knows where.

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