ch. 17

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Gerard pov.

I wake up to a groan. I try to move but I can't, my arms are tied above my head and I'm hanging for the ceiling bar. The room is dim, only a single lamp is lighting up the room, and it's on the other side.
I turn my head and see kieran, in the same position as me.
"Hey.." I whisper yell, in fear someone will hear me. "Kieran.. Wake up."
Her eyes flutter open and she groans again. "W..where are we?" She tries to Yank her hands free, but fails.
"I.. I don't know.. I've never seen this room. That,son of a bitch! Ill kill him. Elena would hate you, you piece of shit brother!" I yell, not caring if he hears me.
Bad move, moron. The door swings open and Mikey walks in.
"What was that, big brother?" He walks to me, smirk on his evil face. I can't even stand looking at him.
"Elena would hate you!" He punches me in the face. "You're a fag, you're a sortie." He continues punching me. I feel blood drip down my eyebrow, nose, and after one more punch, lip.
"You listen to me, big brother. If you could have helped me, shown me some respect. You would be like him." He points to the door and I look. I can't see much because my eye is swollen shut but I think it's Frank.
He walks up to kieran and pulls a poker knife out of his pocket.
"You shouldn't have taken that baby from me." Mikey slaps kieran in the face. Hard.
I laugh.
"Whats so funny?" Mikey frowns.
"You will never see that child again. The difference between you two if kieran will protect her family. You. You torture them." I smirk, with gets me another punch in the face.
"Mikey.. I think he gets it." Frank sighs.
Mikey nods and smiles. "So.. let's move on then." He walks to kieran and takes the knife from Frank. Frank walks over to me and begins to clean my wounds. "How could you do this to me?" I whisper.
He ignores me and I look at,kieran.
Mikey puts the blade against her bare stomach and drags it slowly across. Kieran cries out in pain, and Mikey smiles. Blood drips down and he wipes the blade off on his jacket.
"We are gonna have a lot of fun from now on, bitches." Mikey smiles and continues to cut kieran.
"Stop it!" I yell at him. "Just stop!"
Kierans bloody face falls limp as Mikey stops cutting her. She takes deep breaths and her tears fall to the floor, mixing with the blood.
Mikey walks up to me and quickly drags the blade against my arms. I scream and curse, and Mikey just laughs.
Ill kill this son of a bitch.

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