Chapter 7

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🔥Chapter 7: From Sharing Feelings to Murder🔥

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🔥Chapter 7: From Sharing Feelings to Murder🔥

HOURS HAD PASSED, and soundlessness had dominated the room. The endless stream of digitised clouds had had all my attention for the entirety of my time in capture. It was like being forced to watch the same video on repeat. I felt dead inside as lunacy gradually ate my sanity away.

A coarse cough broke my focus, and before I realized it, I was staring at the beautiful waste of a man from earlier.

Despite his great physique, his skin was as pale as snow and was so translucent you could see his purplish veins. It didn't take an Einstein to see he was burdened with some illness. His body trembled between each breath, hugging himself tighter and looking like he could pass out any second.

It was here that was when I got the courage to actually poke the bear. So, concerned, I asked, "Are you okay there, Devil Boy?"

Refusing to slack his tough boy façade, he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

I wasn't convinced, and neither was he.

So, I pestered, "You sure? You look like shit on my end."

He shot me a glare. Then proceeded to ignore me with an increasingly alarming cough every few seconds. I didn't want him to die. He was both my intel and the only other life source in this room to keep me afloat until I found a way out of this fancy cage... and he was really, really nice to look at when he shut his mouth and wasn't insulting me.

That was when it dawned on me. "How long have you been here?"

His shaking came to a sudden halt. "I don't know. You lose track of time here," he responded.

Quiet unfolded between us for the second time. However, unlike the previous time, it didn't last long.

"Um, since we are both going to die in here..." I tucked a stray curl back behind my ear. "... how did you — you know — end up in this place?"

It was as if I flashed a floodlight in his face with his blinking before he looked around him and pointed at himself. "Sorry, are you genuinely talking to me?"

"No, your shadow." I narrowed my eyes and clicked my tongue. "Of course I mean you! There's not exactly another soul I can talk to here, so..."

Pulling his legs in, he rested his chin on his bruised knees. "My apologies, I'm just shocked you would ask, especially after the way we conversed earlier, and, honestly, no one has bothered to when they arrived here."

"Well, I can't blame them. They were probably too busy worrying about their sorry asses being cut up." I reminded him. It wasn't exactly the ideal place for casual chit-chat.

He nodded in agreement, then drew his legs closer till he resembled a ball. We sat still and mute for about another two minutes before he revealed, "I ran away."

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