Chapter: The Great Yokohama Drink-Off

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The Bar, a favorite haunt of the Armed Detective Agency, was buzzing with an unusual energy on this particular Friday night. What had started as a casual after-work drink had quickly spiraled into something far more competitive and chaotic.

At the center of the commotion sat Nazuna Saito and Yosano Akiko, locked in an intense staring contest across a table littered with empty glasses. The air between them crackled with competitive spirit and the fumes of various alcoholic beverages.

"Ready to admit defeat, Nazuna-chan?" Yosano purred, her cheeks flushed but her eyes still sharp. "There's no shame in losing to a superior drinker."

Nazuna, swaying slightly but determined, shook her head. "Not a chance, Yosano-sensei. I'm just getting started!"

From his perch at the bar, Dazai watched the proceedings with undisguised glee. "My, my," he drawled, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Who would have thought our sweet Nazuna-chan could hold her liquor so well? Perhaps we should add 'professional drinker' to her list of Agency qualifications."

Atsushi, seated next to Dazai, looked on with a mixture of awe and concern. "Should we... should we stop them?" he asked hesitantly. "This can't be good for their health, right?"

Dazai waved off his concern with a lazy flick of his wrist. "Now, now, Atsushi-kun. This is a valuable team-building exercise. Besides, aren't you curious to see which of our lovely colleagues will emerge victorious?"

Before Atsushi could respond, Kunikida stormed over, his glasses glinting ominously in the bar's dim lighting. "This is highly unprofessional!" he huffed, pulling out his ever-present notebook. "The amount of work hours that will be lost to hangovers alone-"

"Lighten up, Kunikida-kun," Dazai interrupted, slinging an arm around his partner's tense shoulders. "Even ability users need to let loose sometimes. Besides, think of the blackmail material we're gathering!"

Kunikida shrugged off Dazai's arm with a growl, but made no move to stop the contest. Instead, he slumped onto a barstool, muttering about "irresponsible coworkers" and "the decline of professional standards."

Meanwhile, the drinking contest was escalating to new heights. Kenji, ever helpful, had taken on the role of official drink-fetcher, zipping back and forth from the bar with an endless stream of colorful concoctions.

"Here you go, Nazuna-san, Yosano-sensei!" he chirped, setting down two alarmingly blue drinks. "The bartender calls this one 'The Electric Eel'. He says it's got quite a kick!"

Nazuna eyed the drink warily. "Electric, huh? Well, that's certainly on-brand for me."

Yosano, never one to back down from a challenge, grabbed her glass. "Bottom's up, Nazuna-chan. Unless you're afraid of a little... shock to your system?"

With a determined nod, both women downed their drinks in one go. The effect was immediate and spectacular.

Nazuna's hair stood on end, actual sparks flying from her fingertips as her ability reacted to the potent drink. Yosano, for her part, let out a whoop that would have done a banshee proud.

"Now that," Yosano declared, slamming her glass down, "is what I call a drink! Another round, Kenji-kun!"

As Kenji scampered off to fulfill the request, Dazai leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I do believe our dear doctor is trying to gain an unfair advantage, Nazuna-chan. After all, her ability allows her to heal from any injury. Including, I suspect, alcohol poisoning."

Nazuna, swaying slightly but still game, narrowed her eyes at Yosano. "Is that so? Well, two can play at that game. My electricity can burn off alcohol faster than you'd think, Yosano-sensei!"

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