Short Trips: Nightmare of Flames

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"London!" The Doctor spoke happily as she opened the doors of her Tardis. She frowned as she realized they were earlier than she had meant to take her friends. "Sixteen sixty something from the looks of it"

(Y/n) and Rivka looked past her as they walked up behind The Doctor

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(Y/n) and Rivka looked past her as they walked up behind The Doctor. "It stinks!" Rivka quickly covered her nose.

"You get used to it" The Doctor shrugged as she looked back at her friends.

"Where are the people?" (Y/n) asked as he looked around past The Doctor. They seemed to be on a big street in the middle of the night.

The Doctor frowned as she turned back to the exit and realized he was right. "There should be plenty of people out now. The city doesn't sleep"

"Maybe it's a Sunday?" Rivka asked as The Doctor exited the Tardis, her companions following close behind.

"What difference would that make?" The Doctor asked with a confused look.

"She's suggesting that many people may be in church" (y/n) answered simply as he walked up beside The Doctor. "Although I think it's probably late for that"

"No" The Doctor shook her head. "If there was anyone here I'd consider that, but this is desolate" she went silent now, standing still.

"So what-" The Doctor shushed (y/n) swiftly.

"Listen" The Doctor whispered as she motioned around. "What do you hear?"

The silence lasted for a minute before Rivka answered. "Nothing. There's no sound"

"Human or otherwise" (y/n) added in. "No lights in the buildings either"

"Not even stray animals" The Doctor replied with a nod. "Something is wrong here"

"And are you going to fix it?" (Y/n) asked with a smile. "Are we finally going to see The Doctor saving the world?"

"The Doctor plus two" The Doctor nodded as she put her hands in her coat pockets and motioned with her head for them to follow her as she began walking.

"Oh, pudding lane" The Doctor's face scrunched up as she noticed the street sign after about five blocks.

"Been here before?" (Y/n) asked curiously as he again caught up to The Doctor and stood at her side.

"Once" The Doctor nodded. "Caused the great fire of London"

"You caused it?" Rivka frowned as she heard that.

The Doctor didn't respond. Instead she took a look around and spotted something that made her frown. "It starts in that bakery" she motioned to the building. "Shortly after midnight. Then it spread. I needed to start it, but it was so long ago I don't remember why"

"You commit arson and you don't even remember why?" (Y/n) asked with an uneasy tone.

"I'm so old I don't even remember my age. So yeah, forgive me if I don't remember some small detail from what was probably thousands of years ago" The Doctor bit at the boy needlessly as she walked towards the bakery.

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