Chapter 1: Destiny's Encounter

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"I can't believe I survived a thirteen hour flight!", I shouted while stretching my sore neck. If Ravi was here, he would've said I was complaining too much. Deep in thought, I didn't notice the person in front of me. "Um, are you here from S.P.O.T.S?", he asked me. The guy was squinty-eyed, his hair was messy, and he was super cute with the way he acted. I couldn't help but smile at him. "Yeah! I can assume you're Leo, right?"

Leo nodded in response and motioned for me to sit on his scooter. "Did you have a good flight?", he asked. My eyebrow raised in amusement, "You sit on a thirteen hour flight and tell me how it feels." "Ah, I see. Well come on.", Leo smiled as he sat on his scooter. "We can talk while I drive." I nodded enthusiastically and hopped on, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"Let's go!"

After ten or fifteen minutes past, we were already in the city. Everything was new to me. There were so many unique monsters around and humans also. Maybe Klaus was right about this place. New Jerusalem is different, but I'm already in love. Leo continued on driving, "So what brings you into Libra, if I may ask?" "Well my agency sent me here to be a substitute in Libra.", I explained.

"Cool. Uhm,  you told me you work for S.P.O.T.S. What does the name stand for?" I giggled at his curiosity, "Secret Police Of The Supernatural! We mostly deal with high priority cases. It's tough work and we have headquarters around the world. If you wouldn't mind, I have some questions to ask you as well."

"Alright. Ask away." I smiled in delight, "You seem like a pretty normal guy to me. Too normal to be in Libra, but I also know that you must have some special power or ability. So, what is it?" "I don't have one! I'm just a normal guy like you said.", he laughed sheepishly.

"Mhm, I don't think so. There's no way Klaus would let a guy like you be in Libra so easily." Leo turned his head slightly, "Wow. That's a bit harsh don't you think?" I bursted out laughing at his question, "Well I apologize if it came off that way."

"I swear you were coming for my neck, y/n!", he playfully spoke. I laughed even harder at this, but it ceased, "I'm just a caster.There's different types of casters all over the world with special abilities. My mysterious abilities sound pretty cool, huh?"

Before anything else was said, Leo slowed down in an alleyway and parked. We got off his scooter and walked towards the door. The walk was silent until we entered an office like room. The first thing my eyes had seen was a guy get beaten down by Klaus. He looked up to say hi or whatever to Leo, but as soon as Klaus had seen me...whew.

He pulled me into a bone crushing hug, "Y/N, it's good to see you." "K-Klaus it'", I wheezed out. Finally, he pulled away just to get a good look at me, "I see you've gotten taller since the last time I saw you." My hand scratched the back of my head as I laughed, "Ehehe, yeah."

"You've grown into a young woman, Y/N." "Klaus!", I exclaimed, covering my chest. He took notice of my flushed face and let out a hearty laugh, "You're just like your mother! So easy to tease and what did I tell you about calling me Klaus? It's Uncle Klaus to you, young lady." A sigh was the next thing that came out of my mouth, "Yes, sir."

The man nodded at me and grinned, "Good! Leo is going to take you on a tour around the city so stay out of trouble." I grabbed the back of Leo's pullover and dragged him away with me. "Yes sir!" "I mean it Y/N! If anything happens you find a safe place to hide!", he warned. "Okay, I got it already!", I shouted on my way out.

I have a good feeling about this.

Some time went by as Leo and I just decided to roam around in the city. Besides, I didn't really feel like going sight-seeing anyway. Currently, he's driving me to go meet some of his friends, well that's what he said. I asked him questions about his experiences in New Jerusalem and Libra. He didn't say much but I'm guessing he got used to it by now.

"Oh yeah, you never told me about your ability.", I pointed out. Leo laughed, "Well I was hoping you forgot about that, but it can't be helped right? The ability I have is the-"

"All Seeing Eyes of The Gods. I already knew, plus I was testing you to see if you're too much of a naive person. Don't worry! I'll keep your secret, Leo. Besides, I wouldn't want my new friend to get killed.",  My eyes traveled towards the billboards that blurred away as we zoomed down the busy street.

"You really are something.", he responded, but then we kept on driving. Soon after that, we arrived at a hospital which is kind of weird, but I'm going along with it.

After Leo parked, we went into the hospital and he led the way to a room. When I walked in there, surprise flooding my emotions. "Black! White! I brought a new friend over, meet Y/N.", Leo introduced. White looked up from her book and dropped it, "Y/N?"




She ran over to me, so I pulled her into my embrace. The girl started crying tears of joy, "Y/N." My hand rubbed gently on her soft blond hair, "Wait, did you just say Black?!" I look over to my right, and there he was. White let go of me and I tackled her twin in a joyous hug.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any better.


I updated this chapter, so hopefully it's better than the last. Thank you!

Queen of Hope (Black x Reader x King of Despair)Where stories live. Discover now