Chapter 4: A Date....of Friendship...?

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Y/n's Pov

After the investigation on Angel Scale, Klaus was the person who got most out of the information that we needed. Being the persistent person he is, Klaus also got injured from playing chess for about 99 hours! After the chess game, K.K. told everybody the location and trafficking routes of Angel Scale and basically start raiding and beating the shit out of them. Which I also enjoyed taking part off. 

It is currently 9:18 A.M. and I am just enjoying my mug of Cafe Au Lait. Well, that was until my phone started ringing out of nowhere. An unknown number appeared and it led me to suspicion, but alas. I answered it anyway and it turned out to be Will who laughed at my hesitation. I rolled my eyes, "Hello, William. What do you want?" 

It took him a while to cease his laughter before he got a chance to respond. "I wanted to ask if we could meet up somewhere." Wow, that's unusual. I wouldn't expect Will to be the kind of person who would ask first. He must've matured over the past few years. My hand proceeded to scratch the side of my head, "Uh yeah. It all depends on where to meet up exactly." "The station, 10 o'clock.", he answered quickly. "I gotta go, but I'll see you. Bye!" 

All that was heard now was the beeping on the other line. When I hanged up, I stared at the screen in pure shock. The time was 9:26, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the fact that my childhood best friend just called me out of the blue and asked to meet up. It's not like a date, right? 

It can't be a date.

 Besides it's not like he's love with me or something. I'm thinking to hard about this. You and your best bud is just hanging out like old times. It is strange for him to be calling me out of the blue like this. It's like it wasn't even him just another person or someone different. Oh well!

Time to get ready and fresh!

"The train on track number 4 is bound for Shigorov Hell."

Okay, that's weird.

"Please have your passport or consent ready."

Okay, I have that.

"Current survival rate is 12 percent."

What the hell?!

It is now 9:55 AM and I am currently waiting for Will's arrival. My stomach started bubbling with anxiety, so I accidentally arrived earlier than expected. This has always been a thing with me, always arriving earlier than the other person wanted you to. The thought of being late and the person leaving me behind have always been on my mind. 

Someone who was currently whistling tapped a finger on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly to see who it was. As it turned out to be it was my 'date', who happen to grin at my slightly confused expression. "You're early.", I bluntly stated. His hands were tucked in his pants pockets,  "Indeed, I am." I raised my eyebrows, "Well you seem cool as a cucumber this morning." "And you worry too much, Y/N."

"Hey, I can't help it!", I whined, while giving him a pout. Will laughed and guided me into the subway train. We both stood by one of the doors facing each other. "So how do like it here so far?", he asked, curious towards my actions. My hands were pressed against the window as I looked at outside of it. "It's kind of interesting. Lots of diversity and strange tactics. I like it." Someone caught my eye was emitting a strange different aura. "Wow! There are people like that, huh?" 

"They're a group who crowd whatever place they're in.", Will stated, as my attention turned towards him. "The population here is about 50 percent monsters, 20 percent are of unknown variety, and 25 percent are humans, but half of them have their own special circumstances. You know that, right?" My head nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah but what about the remaining 5 percent?" He glanced towards the window, "The remaining five percent cannot be seen through regular eyes. Whatever they are they're something dangerous." 

"So what?", I spoke unbothered by his statement. His eyes widened a bit due to my aura. My eyes bore into his. "I'm sure I can take them on." His eyes challenged mine, "Yes, there's a slight chance you could." 

I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance, "What does that mean? Are saying I'm weak because the last time I checked, I beaten the crap out of you for being a crybaby." Will raised his hands up in defense, "Hey, you don't have to bring that up. I just don't want you to get hurt or possibly die." My eyes averted towards the ground, "You're right. Sorry for being defensive"

 "No, I apologize for leading you the wrong way.", he halfway grinned. "So don't worry about it, it would be natural to get upset and react the way you do." I turned head quickly back towards the window, "I'm not upset..." "Oh? But that pout on your face shows a lot.", Will childishly teased. "And now you're blushing. How cute." 

"Shut up, Black!" 

Queen of Hope (Black x Reader x King of Despair)Where stories live. Discover now