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Scarlett's POV —

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Scarlett's POV —

     I THINK THAT was the worst nights sleep i've ever had. Even worse than when i was squished inbetween Uma and Mimii for 4 nights straight. I just felt so... i dont know, uncomfortable?

Sleeping beside Jack for the last how ever many weeks we have been in the villa has always been a tranquil and comfortable experience for me but now, now it feels different. Knowing that some other girl had been in this exact spot being kissed by him just makes my skin crawl.

No matter how hard i tried or which way i turned, i just couldn't find a spot far away enough from him. As a matter of fact, i can't seem to get far away enough from him in the villa in general — especially this morning when he came into the girls dressing room with a coffee and some toast which i declined — but alas, i know that the inevitable will soon come and i will have to have a chat with him and listen to him explain himself.

And it seems that time may — unfortunately — be now as from my seat on the daybed snuggled into Mimii as she spills her precious heart out to me about how Ayo brought another girl, Jessica, back from Casa, i spot a sheepy faced Jack walking over, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his neon green swimming trunks as his eyes dont lift from the floor until he reaches us.

"Scar, you wanna go for a chat?" He asks as he looks up at me.

"Not necessarily but i will." I reply with a sigh, shuffling to get up before Mimii stops me.

"No, i'll go babe, you two can stay here." Mimii speaks before departing from the daybeds and over to the kitchen, presumably to refill her water bottle.

Jack moves closer, going to sit on the daybed beside me before i lift a hand and stop him with a scoff. "Don't think so, you can sit on that one."

He mutters a small "Fine." before he sulks backwards and plonks himself down onto the other daybed, his legs off the side of it as his body is pointed towards me, however i am sat with my legs up and under the daybeds covers, my body angled towards the rest of the villa garden, my head looking down at my hand as i pick at any imperfections on my acrylic nails.

After about thirty seconds of silence, i lift my head and look at him, my gaze latching onto his as he just stares at me. "So... you gonna say what you want to say or are you just gonna stare at me like an idiot?"

"I- uh... i'm just thinking of where to start."

"How about you start at the beginning?" I say sarcastically, turning my body slightly so i can look at him as he speaks.

"Okay... so, uh well, she pulled me for the first chat and it went quite well so we started having a few more then she asked me if she could sleep in my bed-" He begins but with the severe avoided eye contact i am receiving, i cut him off.

"You sure thats what happened? Cause you can't even look me in the fucking eyes."

"Well she brought up the bed situation and basically invited herself into my-"


"Our bed, and it's not like i could just say no, so yeah, she slept in m- our bed and we were talking for a while, nothing happened the first night."

"Oh what a relief." I reply, sarcasm dripping from my words. "Carry on." I say, wetting my lips as i lean down and grab my bottle, flicking the plastic straw open so i can take a drink.

"Well it just went on from there, like we kept having chats and stuff and that night in bed, she kissed me but i obviously couldn't push her off and i thought it would be a good thing to test what we have."

I roll my eyes. "So you thought the best way to test what we had was to completely disrespect me and make me look like a mug?"

"Scarlett, you need to understand, we never said we were closed off, not once."

My eyebrows dart up in shock, my eyes widening as i bewildered smile makes its way onto my lips. "Are you being for real Jack? It's not about that at all! I'm well aware that we were never closed off but that doesn't mean that you have the right to completely push me to the side when i was away and go around kissing everyone to 'test our connection', it's fucking muggy!" I say, my voice beginning to get louder as i grow more and more frustrated.

"That wasn't my intention! I was just doing it to see if i felt the same spark as i do with you, thats why we kissed."

"Yeah? That's why you kissed in bed and in the pool and oh! how could i forget? The hideaway."

"I didn't mean for it to happen that many times but trust me, she insinuated all of them."

"Right, well what about when she said that you practically told her that you'd recouple with her then?" I ask, looking at him pointedly while taking a sip of my iced water, the ice having now melted under the heat of the South African sun.

He shook his head, lifting a hand to run through his blonde hair. "I honestly don't know where the fuck she got that from."

Just as he was about to continue, a phone chime sounded through the villa, making me sit up slightly.

"I've got a text!" Uma shouts from her spot at the beanbags, moving her hand up to shade her eyes so she can read the message as she stands up.

"Uma, Matilda and Scarlett, please get ready to leave the villa as Lucy, Diamanté and Ruby would love a catch up."

I look away from Uma and back to Jack. "Well, i guess i'll have to ask her 'where the fuck she got that from' then."


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pleaseeeee just trust me that it will get better, i just need to get through her and jacks end then scar and ciaran will BLOSSOM

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