Chapter 31 - Its ok

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I had set my alarm to wake me up at 5 am. sharp. I woke up but I was tired. I didn't want to wake up, but I wanted to find out why Jooyeon got upset. And how he met him. I started rubbing my eyes to wake myself up. I went to wash my face. I accidentally shut the door very loudly. My clumsy hands are half asleep. "Hey, why are you awake so early?" Seungmin said as he walked to like a half dead zombie. "Sorry, I just needed to go bathroom" I said to him. He nods and leaves, going straight back to sleep.

I was now changing my clothes after finishing everything. I was quiet like a mouse, so Seungmin wouldn't know I was going out so early. This was the first time I would ever, and when I say ever, I mean it. This is the first time ever in my whole life, I woke up at 5 am.

I got out successfully. I was hoping he wasn't awake now. I started walking to Gunil and Jooyeons dorm. It was so cold in the morning. I reach their dorm. I knock. Knocked again. Gunil opens the door. "Why are you here so early?" Gunil said, looking like he wants to kill me for waking him up. "Sorry for waking you up. Is Jooyeon here?" I asked him. I'm so stupid for asking that. Of course he's here. "Yes, go wake him up. But don't be surprised if he hits you, " Gunil warned me. I gulped. Even though his physique looks weak, he fights like a lion.

I enter Jooyeons' room. But there was no sign of Jooyeon. "Gunil, Jooyeon isn't here," I told him. "What?" Gunil said as he came in the room. "Where is he?" Gunil asked me. "I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm not the one who has a dorm with him, " I said, a bit mad. "Chill," Gunil said.

I was going back to my dorm when I saw Jooyeon walking. "JOOYEON!" I yelled. He looked back to see who it was. He saw me. "Why are you yelling? People would be awake now, " Jooyeon said. He wasn't wrong. A lot of people opened their doors and looked at us. I bowed a Sorry to them. That was embarrassing. "Why aren't you at your dorm?" I asked him. "Why aren't you?" He asked me. "I asked first." I wanted an answer from him. "I went out for a walk," Jooyeon said. "Ok, and I was looking for you," I said to him. "Why?" He asked. "I wanted to talk to you about something," I told him, and he just nodded.

We sat on a bench near our dorms. "So I wanted to ask you why you were so upset when you found out that Eli was Suho's friend," I asked him. I realised he was still upset, but I hoped he was better now. "I don't even know why I got upset. I just know I was upset, " he told me. "But you don't usually do that," I told him. "I know, but I think I liked him," he told me. I was surprised. "I was so upset the day I met him, and when I met him, he made me so happy," he told me. He was on the verse of crying. I never saw him cry before. "Why were you so upset?" I asked him. "She came back," he told me. I hugged him. "It's ok," I told him. I tried to reassure him, but nothing would work when she came back. "She told me that he died and that she wants me to be her son again," he told me. His eyes were teary, but he made sure those tears didn't fall. "She even came back after, and she saw Eli. He was helping me with the grocery bags they were heavy right, and then she said,'Do you like him? I only wanted a normal son' can tou believe that?". That's what he told me she said. "Oh my days, why is she coming back if she wants a normal son?" I asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders.

I just hugged him for a while until he calmed down. I never knew that she had come back until now. And how did he fall for some so quickly. He usually never opens up to someone.

Well, now it was time for class. We had music. Suho and Eli were in that class now. I stayed next to Jooyeon all the time. To cheer him up, to talk to him, make him laugh, and all of that.

Suho and Eli sat next to us on purpose. I knew it was on purpose from that smile that they wouldn't take off their face. I was pissed already from what happened to Jooyeon, and now I'm even more pissed at them for coming near us. Jungsu was tired. He didn't even know that they sat next to us because he had his head down. I hope his fine.

The teacher wasn't here, so it was free time. We sat three on a side and three on the other to see each other. I couldn't sit next to Jooyeon because I was sitting next to Hyeongjun, who was sitting next to jungsu. Jooyeon was sitting next to Gunil and Seungmin. Although Jooyeon was in front of me. I wanted to sit next to him. Gunil hugged him. "I thought you were lost in the morning when he told me you're not in the room," Gunil told him. Jooyeon smiled at him. "Why weren't you in your room?" Hyeongjun asked him. "I went for a walk," Jooyeon told them. I already knew where he was. But I'm really hoping it was the truth.

After talking about what we would do today. Suho came sat next to me, and Eli sat next to Jooyeon. Jooyeon got up and excused himself.  Eli wanted to follow him, but Seungmin grabbed his hand. "No, don't go after him," Seungmin said as he went after Jooyeon. Eli was surprised by what happened even though Suho was surprised. "Did you and your little friends gain attitude?" Suho asked me. I rolled my eyes as usual. "Is your friend asleep? Is that why we don't hear him yelling?" Suho also told me. He was talking about Jungsu. "He doesn't yell, and why are you always talking about him? Let him go." I was surprised to hear Hyeongjuns voice. "Oh, is emoboy talking now?" Suho said as he laughed with Eli. Hyeongjun looked upset now. "Can you leave?" Gunil told Suho and Eli. "Oh, are we upsetting you guys?" Eli finally spoke. My blood was already boiling from what I had heard what happened to Jooyeon, and now it was burning my skin. I got up and walked away. Gunil followed me. Hyeongjun woke Jungsu up, and they followed me, too.

We went to look for the others. Seungmin was waiting outside the bathroom for Jooyeon. "Is he in there?" I asked him. "Yeah, but he didn't wanna talk, so I waited outside," Seungmin said. I went inside the bathroom and saw Jooyeon. I hugged him. "It's ok," I told him. "I'm not upset that he's friends with Suho. I'm upset that he lied to me." he assured me. We talked for a while, and then we went out. Our friends are still waiting for us.

We went back to the class, and Suho and Eli were still sitting there. We sat on other spots. They still followed. This time, Jungsu was awake. "Can you stop following us? we could tell the principal on you, " Jungsu said to Suho. Suho and Eli left, but they definitely will be back.

School was boring. Almost all of our teachers weren't there. We were already at second break. We had only one class left. Jooyeons phone kept vibrating. Eli kept texting him until Jooyeon blocked him.

I was super tired. The day was boring. We went back to Gunils dorm to watch a movie. We could watch it in our dorms, but the more people, the safer. We were watching a horror movie. I don't even remember its name because it was scary as hell. I was hugging Gunil so tightly. He was hugging me back. We couldn't breathe more like we forgot we needed to breathe. We were all hugging each other.

We even might’ve slept over at their dorm because it was late, and none of us were able to brave enough to go back to our dorms.

We all slept on the couch. I hope he was ok.

It's ok he'll forget about what happened sooner or later. It's all ok.

Sorry for updating so much these days, I'm just full on ideas. Thank you for the motivation and support I'm receiving from you all. Stay tuned for more chapters.
Take care. 💓
I love you all. ❤️

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