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Lillie's pov

"Lilly honey there is some one at the door for you". I groan who possibly would want to interrupt me at this time.

It was already awkward timing as it was. I sat there on my bed readjusting my jeans. I head over to my bathroom sink and quickly wash my hands thoroughly.

walking to the banister I stood there my body coming to a halt when I saw who it was there standing drenched from the rain was the girl at school.

The one who was picked on by half of the class she stood there in her crop top and leather pants a cigarette in her mouth.

Tattoos plastered on any empty skin. Scattered on her arms torso and neck.

I gulped seeing her my friend group always called her names after her brother commited suicide she had been the talk of the town how the family disappointment stayed alive.

"Come up" I say my mother closes the door behind her as she stepped in her metallic black boots hitting the marble floor causing dirt to form on the tiles.

She discarded her boots at the front door walking upstairs and halting towards me. She took in one puff of her cigarette blowing the fumes into my face.

Causing me to cough after inhaling it it's toxins invading my lungs.
"What is it that you want Luna" I looked at her dark brown eyes staring at her.

"To put you in your place once and for all letting your little bitches fuck with me like that. The second you went into highschool and made friends with that bitch Madeline you forgot about me until I became the but of your jokes. Freak. Loser. Wierdo. "

She leans in a sour expression on her face. "Know let's get into your room fuck wit and talk understood".

"Yeah" I walk over to my room and undo the door letting her walk inside.

We sat there in my bed in silence. For a while. She continued to glare at me the whole time while I was at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry" is all I could get out.
"Your sorry awwh little miss perfects sorry" she walked from where she sat over to me kneeling Infront of me on the bed.

"Sure you fucking are" her hand raised to slap me yet she stopped. My heart was in my mouth as I flinched out of the way.
"You know how I feel Lillie at least that fear of not knowing if your going to get hit or smacked around that day".

Her hand cups my face.
"I want to blame you. But as much as I want to blame you I can't. You never joined in on my suffering you just let your friends do it. And continued to be friends with them for it".

I listened to her sitting up crossed legged. My hand reached up over hers and we stayed there for a moment.

"You don't know how lonely I was without you. I really thought we would be friends for a long time. If I knew you where going to stop talking to me when I came out and told you I liked you I wouldn't have".

I could feel her voice breaking a little as she continued.

I couldn't do anything but sit there.
"Fuck knows I should have known better falling for the straight girl."

"Your wrong".
"How am I wrong".

I looped my fingers through the loops of her pants where you would put a belt.

"About me" I whisper faintly.
She takes another puff.

"Sure" she distinguished the rest of what was left on her for arm. Wincing a little at the pain.

"You don't believe me" I looked back at her shocked a little. She just narrowed her eyes and looked up at me settling her eyes on my lips.

"I know your just scared to admit you like girls and the fact that your doing it know is shitty". She smiled staring back at me then a blank expression followed on her face the same amount of emotionless shown.

I cupped her face pulling her into me. My fingers running down her neck and over her Addams apple as I continued to look at her.

I kneeled near her she sat down not saying anything and I climbed onto her lap stranding her.

She brushed my red hair out of the way and looked up at me.
No words where said between us.

I kissed her forehead like how I would when we where kids. Then traced the kisses down her nose bridge down to her lips.

I pecked her lips gently this caused her to jolt upwards and gently lower me down on my back our lips still connected.

As she kissed me she lay in-between my legs. Her hands rubbing underneath my clothes and towards my waist.

She pauses stopping. "Do you want to go any further?" Consent is always sexy.

I nodded and she leaned back in imidetly to kiss me before rolling my shirt up. She began preppering kisses down my naval to my torso area.

Taking small nibbles and suctioning skin in her mouth leaving me with tiny love bites scattered everywhere.

Her hands move to unbuckle my jeans.

She pulls them down taking them off  and readjusts her self in-between my legs.

I slide of my panties and discard them onto the floor next to her. "So that's what you want" she grins.

Her lips reach down my torso. Kissing downwards to my clit her tounge teasing it as she gives it one stroke before taking me into her mouth.

Her strokes gentle as she slid her tounge up and down my slit. I could feel myself getting more wet on her.

She licked up to my clit swirling her tounge around it. I gripped onto her hair. Pulling it as she continued this only made her go faster sucking and licking me as I continued to drip. Her tounge licks down to my entrance.

Teasing it before she slid her way in my moans got louder as my back arched my panting getting heavier.

One things for certain I was praying my mother couldn't here me.

Her tounge swirled teasing me gently again following the same rhythmic pattern.

"Shit...."my hand continued to needingly grip onto her hair as I wanted her to go faster I really wanted to cum.

"Dose some one want to cum" she grinned staring back at me from her position.

I nod.

"What what do you mean no please please don't stop".

"As in no I don't think you deserve it".
What? How dare she. "what makes you say that".

"Just because I feel like it and I feel like you don't deserve to finish after all the shit you have put me through".

I gulped looking at her as she sat there in-between my legs. "If you can promise to not talk to Madeline again then maybe I will reconsider".

"But she's my friend".
"And I was yours".

"Know if you can be asked to do it you know where to find me understood".

And with that she readjusted her hair as walked out of there room. I could hear the stairs creek as she made her way to the front door.

And with that she was gone.
What the fuck just happened ?.

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