Chapter 2:

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Rhaenys POV:

"What are you talking about sweet boy?" Rhaenyra asked her son

"Aemma saved me in the battle for Storms end and she convinced Lord Baratheon to join us." Lucerys smiled as he looked at his sister

"I promised to protect that of my younger siblings, words that I remember." She told her mother "But at that time I could not return to you."

"Why not? You have been gone for years, we have missed you?"

"And I you mother but I could not be in King's Landing not with it's history. But I have been working for the crown in my travels." She told her mother "You have the support of house Martell of Dorne, House Dayne, House Allyrion... all of Dorne have raised banners for the rightful Queen."

"How, the Scorpion bolts..."

"And useless against my dragon."

"You have a dragon now?"

"I have two, I ride Cannibal and Maraxes. She survived the conquests with the lost of her eye and I rode with her to take her revenge for that tragedy." She smiled "We won mother, Dorne is yours."

"I just wanted my daughter." She assured "My girl."

"I wanted to be here, but I could not be anyway with the memories of them. It hurt to much and I held to much angry to allow myself to be the cause of your downfall. My brother is entitled to his birth right."

"You are the eldest?"

"And I have make myself a home, with my family in the North."

"The Red wolf and the red queen." Her friend smiled at her "Forever may she reign."

Aemma smiled and nodded to her friend

"I am sorry, you are?"

"Lady Alysanne Blackwood, my Queen." She bowed "Daughter of Lord Blackwood and ally to the Red Queen."

"The red Queen."

"Me, mother." Aemma smiled at her "I was given the mantel of Red Queen and then we I married my lord husband that mantel changed a bit."

"Your lord husband."

"A lot has changed mother, I am no longer the girl who once hid near you during the storms."

"Is that so Aemma?" Daemon asked as he entered the room

"Stepfather, it is good to see a familiar face." She smiled at him as she stepped around her mother to embrace the Queen consent

"I remember when you were that of five, hiding in your room under the bed as a storm rage on outside." He smiled at her "But you are right you are not that girl anymore."


"From what I have heard, you are in the eye of the storm leading it to shores." He told her

She smiled and nodded before he introduced her to us

"Jikagon greet aōha grandparents pōnta emagon waited bōsa enough naejot rhaenagon ao aemma." He told her 'Go greet your grandparents they have waited long enough to meet you Aemma'

"I would like you to meet my daughter Aemma Valeryion." Rhaenyra smiled as she introduced to girl to us

"I am Princess Rhaenys."


"Red..." Alysanne asked as she stood straight going to walk to Aemma "Red, please..."

"I am sorry Princess did I do something to cause offence."

"No, Princess Rhaenys." Rhaenyra told me "Aemma is a twin, your son named her sister after you."

"I never met her."

"Sir Christian Cole killed my twin sister, she was throw of the high tower in Kings landing."

Flash back

"Cole you traitor!" A girl screamed at the knight pushing him away from her

"Listen to reason!"

"What reason would excuse this betrayal!" She screamed as she snatched her arm away "My mother is the rightful heir!"

"Your mother is a whore!" He screamed at her


"Rhaenys please!"

"I said leave!" She screamed moving away

"Rhaenys!" He yelled grabbing her arm and when she pulled free, he pushed her

"Cole..." She breathed as she looked at the blood stain on her dress

"All you had to do was listen." He told her before throwing her from the tower

"Rhaenys!" Aemma screamed from where she was rushing to see were her sister had landed only to find the bloody broken corpse of her twin, looking at the broken body almost a mirror image of herself she held her sister tightly crying over her


"What happened?!" Aemma screamed at the guard

"She jumped Princess." Cole told Aemma

Flashback over

"One of the maids found me later told me what truly happened with her." She smiled "Rhaenys my sister had found Christian Cole talking with the lord hand Hightower about uspering the throne from my mother, my sister ran to inform my mother but Cole cornered her and in one last act of desperate throw her from the tower to keep her quiet."

"I am so sorry." I told my granddaughter

"Rhaenys was the calm." She smiled "Father called us the two sides of a storm."


"Rhaenys was the calm, she had the ability to be reasonable to be sound and solid."

"And you."

"Red are you alright?" The two boys asked as they walked in

"I am different." She replied "Everyone Damario Sands and Carson Waters."

"Red." The tallest one called out

"I need to go, will someone please inform me of his arrival." She told them as she stepped on to the balcony allowing the wind to carry her forward

"AEMMA!" Rhaenyra screamed rushing to the balcony only to be cut off my Maraxes sawing through the air with her rider, roaring into the sky

"What happened?"

"We were not gone so long as this was to happen."

"She met Princess Rhaenys."

"Is Red alright?"

"You saw her, what do you think."

"I think those children better fly fast."

"Children?" Rhaenyra asked

"I will go see where that army is." The boy old Alysanne before turning to us "I am Damario."

"I'm Carson." The other replied "I'll go."


"The Red Queen is back, we need to return to our original roles, that of envoys."

"My daughter has come for my throne."

"Your daughter has come to help you secure it." Carson replied "Just as she has always helped her family even from a far."

"He has arrived." Alysanne replied as she looked to the shore where a dragon has landed "And he looks mad."

"He must of seen her fly from here." Carson commented as he joined her looking to the shore line "Whose turn is it this time?"

"Damario." Alysanne replied looking at the man "Your turn."

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