Chapter 5

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Nobody's POV:

"My lords." She smiled as she greeted Umber, Manderly and Karstark hugging each "Thank you, for raising for my mother."

"We raise for the woman who protects the north, the stark never forget an oath and the houses will follow suit."

"That is not the only reason we raise for you, you saved our houses once." Manderly told the girl "We are forever in debit to you."

"That debit has been repaid ten fold my lord." She assured them as they smiled at her before taking their leave, leaving the family in peace for the remained of the time she was there

"How has everyone take the travel?" She asked her husband as they walked through the people, her arm looped in his with her hand resting together as she leaned on him

"The journey has been hard on them, but their lady has made every effort to ensure they're safety." He told her "They are grateful to you."

"I am the reason they are here. They shouldn't be."

"They are here, out of love and loyalty to the Red Queen." He remind her "The Kind Queen."

"The Maester, he has everything he needs."

"He does and he send his thanks." He replied before gesturing to a tent "Perhaps you would like to speak to him yourself."

"Please." She smiled at her husband

"She is well loved, my Queen." Rhaenys told her mother "She is safe."

"She seems to be a great Queen."

"She does not want for the throne."

"But perhaps she might?"


"Rhaenys they love her, she has lead in army and won the favor of many houses swore allignacy to her." Rhaenyra replied "She is a good strong leader and has been for many years now."

"I wish to retire." Aemma replied not looking back "I want to go back home, to Winterfell alongside my husband and my children. To live without fear of vengancy or any harm."


"Mother you were raised for the throne, I won mine and relenished it for a title as the wife and lady." She stated "Once your war is won, the Red Army will return to their homes to your lords and ladies. The red council will disband once more and all will be right in the world but for now the red council remains."

"Maester Kym." She greeted

"Your highness." He greeted her

"We are all friends here." She smiled "Aemma."

"You heed my warning."

"I did." She smiled "You are right at one point in my life I managed to escape my title but in doing so I forgot my name."

"You always knew who you are, you just did not know how to be you without a reason too." He smiled before looking at Beric who lovingly stared at his wife "I see you found a reason and now you have plenty more."

She smiled at him before releasing her hold on her husband arm and walked to see the table

"Do you have everything you need?"

"I do and I believe thanks is in order as it seems you flew to the Dorne to get what I needed."

"I would fly to the end of westeros if I needed to." She promised before looking at him

"I know Lady Aemma."

"I did not what this."

"I know that as well." He smiled at her "What do you need?"

"I need my friend, I believe you heard that the Red Council is being recovened."

"I am older now, my friend. I can bring you another Maester."

"I do not only want for you to be the Maester once more but I need you on the Red Council, I need you." Aemma smiled "If you are willing once more?"

"I will, if that is truly your wish I will stand by you." He promised "The Red Queen."

"Lord husband, mother, dearest grandmother please leave us." She asked

"My love."

"I will be fine." She promised

In the privacy of the tent

Nyra POV:

I sneaked to tent to see my mother and the Maester, my mother paced the tent length

"My Queen."

"I must tell you of something but you must swear you secrets to me."

"You have it." He promised

"When this is over, I will be killed."

"You do not know that."

"I do." She smiled as she looked to him "The can not be two Queen."

"She you return to Winterfell."

"That may not be enough."

"You have a plan to end this don't you."

"Alysanne's the best archer. In the final battle she will remove an arrow from the greens archer and shot it to me."


"Listen please." She smiled throw tears "I will be strike, while riding but my dragons will be okay. I will fall to the earth and be killed. It will look like the last victim of this rebellion was the red queen herself."

"There is another way I am sure of it."

"Nyra." Grandmother whispered to me

"Mother's going to die." I sobbed quietly

"She is not." She tried to assure me but I pointed to the pair

"Aemma, think for just a moment please. Beric will be crushed, the red council..."

"Will swear it's alligns to my mother out of loyalty to their lost queen."

"You are asking me to stay quiet on an assission that you have planned for yourself."

"No, I am asking you to ensure my husband and my family are okay demise."

"One you planned." He tried to reason "Aemma, you are asking me to be alright with knowing your death."

"What?" Grandmother breathed

"They are right, there can only be one Queen and I can not be it." She cried "I am already so broken, to hold the crown, to stay within the walls of King's Landing I would jump."

"You renounce the crown!"

"That will not do." She stated sadly "The only way to do this, is my way. I will be the last victim of this war and with the greens defeat it will be there last desperate attempt for the throne."

"But it will not be them. You have asked your friend, your head archer to take your life."

"I have asked that she put the safety of the realm above mine."

"What does she think of this."

"She has agreed after many months of trying to talk me out of it."

"And what of her soul, of her mind can she live with herself doing this."

"I know that this is an unfair request."

"No." We turned to see Rhaenyra and Beric

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