Chapter 4

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Rhaenyra POV:

Elinda showed the boy to his room, Aemma was happy to see a familiar face

"How far out is my nephew?" She asked Alysanne

"He is near landing." She told her before we heard the claws of a dragon land and the dismount of armor

A boy walked into the castle looking around before spotting her

"Aunt Aemma, are you alright, are you hurt?" He called to her

"I am fine Draco." She smiled opening her arms as the boy hugged her

"I thought the worse hearing the banners have been raised once more." He told her "Issi ao sure ao issi alright mama." 'Are you sure you are alright mama'

"Māzigon jorrāelagon valonqar, nyke would raqagon syt ao naejot rhaenagon someone." She smiled as she held the boy's face 'Come dear boy, I would like for you to meet someone'


"My nephew and ward. My beautiful boy Draco Targaryen." She introduced him "Draco my mother, Queen Rhaenyra and you mothers namesake Princess Rhaenys."

"Draco go with Elisha, she will show you to your cousin Rickon. Play."

"Play mother..."

"Yes, my darling." She smiled kissing his head before sending him off, he stopped at the top of the stairs

"Issi ao sure muñnykeā?" He asked again 'Are you sure mother.'

"Yes sweet boy." She smiled as she gently waved him away

"His Cole's boy."

"He is Rhaeny's son." She told us strongly "He is the last living link to my sister and one of the reasons she continued to live after our grandmother passing."

"Was it...."

"I think at one point, it was love." Aemma replied "I remember when she loved him fondly, she once spoke of running together. To live out a fantasy life, her as a fisherman's wife in Dorne."

"A couple in Dorne, that is what she wanted?"

"When she found out about Draco and then he was born."


A woman's stifled moans and grunts could be hear echoing in the chamber as she tried to have her baby in the quiet

"Princess, the babe..."

"What is wrong sister?" The woman on the bed asked "Aemma..."

"It's your child sister."

"Aemma, chose him. Should I pass save him." She begged her sister

After the painful labor she finally held the babe

"Rhaenys, you need to survive for your child."

"I am trying sister." She promised as she looked at her babe "Draco..."


"His name, he is Draco named for the dragons he will one day saw through the sky on." She told her sister "My little Dragon, you fought to get into this world."

"A fitting name Draco Cole."

"Draco Targaryen." She corrected "My son will carry my name."

Flashback over

"She adore her boy, her dragon." Aemma told them

"How old was Draco when Rhaeny died?"

"She was 19 at her death and Draco was that of 4. He remember bits of he, especially when he thinks of her." Aemma smiled "But as you know mother we were identical so he sometimes remembers me instead."

"My lady word has returned from the council who declared for Aegon."


"They ask to be forgiven, they had no knowledge that the Red Queen had sided with Queen Rhaenyra, they beg to be forgiven and for the mercy of the Red Queen. The remember the demise of Slavers bay and wish to be spared of the same fate."

"Write back, the Red Queen is merciful and will be spared for the moment, should you broke your vow to me again I will not be as kind. Remind them I expect ships to fly the black flag and should I find out about the reslaving of the free people, I will return sooner then expected and show them has to why I was named the Red Queen."

Alysanne nodded as she write down the instructions before reattaching it to a raven

"You should rest Red, we still need to wait for the remained of the Red council and our army as well as Damario and Carson return." She told her "It has been a hard ride for you as well, with having to return to King's Landing in years."

"I shall ride out once more." She told Alysanne "I should visit my lord husband and that of our northern army marching south."

"Of course." Alysanne told as she grabbed her archery kit

"I will go on my own, mother is there any where for Alysanne to rest."

"I will get a room ready for her."

"Are you sure, you would like to go on your own red."


"Then I would like to see my nephews. Rickon and Draco." She told us, and Elisha walked her to the room once more

"Would you like some company?" Rhaenyra offered her daughter


"Red it's a branch." Alysanne commented

"I think I would like that." She smiled "Princess Rhaeny,."

"I would like that as well." Rhaenyra told her mother by law

At the field

Nobody's POV

Northern folk looked to the sky as they saw the dragon shadow reach across them

"My lord, your lady wife." A banner man called as he entered the tent "She has arrived."

The lord looked up from his table and walked out to see the shadow himself

"Take rest, we will stop here!" He ordered before walking to the dragon

"HER LADYSHIP! THE RED QUEEN! THE RED WOLF!" One of the knights ballowed as she dismounted

"My lady wife." He greeted her as he walked to her side

"My lord husband." She greeted with a smiled as she bridged the gap leaping up, as he caught her and kissed her passionately before resting her head against his "Issa zokla." 'My wolf'

"My Queen." He smiled against her before letting her fall to the ground gently but not removing his arms from her waist

"Aemma..." Rhaenyra called out

"MAMA!" They heard and turned to see the 3 children rush to the couples and hugging her tightly

"Oh my babies." She smiled as she held a hand on them holding them close to her while she rested in her husband arms

"Lord Beric Stark."

"Princess Rhaenys, Queen Rhaenyra." He greeted

"My youngest?" Aemma asked him

"Sleeping in the tent, my love." He told her


"Yes, you meet Rickon and Draco. These are Aurelio, Aerys and Rhaenyra." She smiled naming all of her children before turning to see the maid bring her a bundle "And this is Rhaenys, the 3rd."

Rhaenyra POV:

You saw Rhaeny stop for a moment taking in her namesake before stepping forward to Aemma

"May I please?" She asked holding out her arms

"Of course." Aemma smiled kissing her daughter head before handing her over

"My great grandchildren." Rhaenys smiled as she looked at the children "They are beautiful."

"They inherit that from their mother, Princess." Beric smiled as he looked to his wife "The Red Queen."

"My lady."

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