Chapter 6

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Rhaenys POV:

You could see the crushing look in Beric eyes as he looked at Aemma in disbelief


"Y... you would leave."

"I do not wish to."

"It is out of the question." Rhaenyra told us

"It is the only way mother." Aemma reason before going to her husband who had tears hidden in his eyes, struggling to speak and falling to the chair behind him "Beric..."

"I... n...o... no." He commented through strained breathes looking at her "No."

"The is another way."

"There's no other way, like you said mother they can not be two queens."

"Then we think of something, but not this...." She breathed "Never this."

"I... beric..." She called weakly as her husband got up

"I need to.. I need air." He told her but not before hugging her "Promise me, you will still be here, when I return."


"I need this Aemma."

"I will be here." She swore to him as he nodded to her before leaving


"Mother I have thought this throw." She promised "For you to be Queen, you must also have no challenge even with me abiducted it will not be enough."

"Then we find a way, a challenge that does not include your death sweet girl."

"My life is your continued challenge." She replied before looking to her children with a sad smile "Mother rest assure I am at peace with my decision."


"Aurelio." She smiled as she ran her fingers throw her sons hair "What is it sweet boy?"

"Are you sad mama."

"No, little one." She smiled as she kissed his head "I am not sad, I am simply content. You will see your mother home before it was King's Landing."

"It is as you said it was mama?"

"It is, you will see dragons on the island, castles on the rocks, ships in the port."

"Like Lys?"

"No, my boy. Lys was easy to take hold of but Dragonstone where we are from." She smiled as she held her boy face in her hands "That can not easily be won."

"Mama, that lady says  she is your mama."

"She is and behind her is my father's mama. Your grandmother." She smiled as she kneel beside the boy as they both looked at us

"They are the same names as my sisters."

"Your sisters are named after them, my boy. You and Draco have the only new names in both our families histories." She smiled at him kissing his head "Why are you not playing with Aerys?"

"You looked sad mama."

"Well." She smiled crouch in front of him, holding both his hands in hers "Thank you, for checking on me Aurelio, my kind boy. I love you."

"I love you too mama." He smiled at her before hugging her "Mama tight."

"Oh, I am sorry." She smiled as she released him kissing his head "I did not mean to."

"It's alright mama."

"Why don't you go play with your brother now."

"You will miss this." I commented "On the last day..."

"On the last day no matter what, Alysanne will do it. She is a good friend."

"She will be your killer."

"Maester Kym was the only one to know."

"And now that we know, will you call it off."

"I will do what it takes to ensure this realm is safe." She replied as she looked once more over the kids "For them, all that I do in this life is now for them."

"With the Red Queen dead..."

"With the Red Queen gone, my son Rickon because the next Lord of Winterfell, Draco is the next master at arms. Rhaenyra and Rhaenys will marry well I am sure of it, Beric would not accept anything less then love in their cases and as for Aurelio and Aerys they will marry for that same reason." She reasoned "My family will be of no threat to your crown mother."

"Aemma." Lord Umber called out "I am sorry my lady but Lord Beric..."

"I know, will you show me to him."

"Of course, my lady." He told her

In the woods

Nobody's POV:

"Thank you, Lord Umber." Aemma smiled at the Lord as he bowed and walked away "Beric..."

Beric strike his sword against the trees in despair and agony, screaming at the world that had done this to his family before stopping, refusing to take in his wife appearance but continued to look at the trees

"You would willing accept your death?"

"I would willing accept what is nessacary for the realm."

"And what of what is nessacary for our children."

"Beric, they know that they are loved. They know that they will always be safe and protected in Winterfell."

"And what of Rhaenys? Our daughter will not remember you."

"Draco still remembers that of Rhaenys, our daughter will be the same."

"I love you."

"I love you Beric, but we must." She smiled at him kissing him "For all of the time that I am here, we will be together, we will make the most of it."

"And when the war comes to a close." He commented

She just smiled hugging him tightly as the tears wet his shirt and his dripped into her hair, the couple standing in the moment

Maester Kym POV:

"This can not happen, I will not allow this to happen." Queen Rhaenyra stated

"You may not be able to stop her, your highness."

"She is my daughter."

"She's the red Queen and the Red Wolf."

"I can not lose Aemma."

"I can not promise she will stay." I replied "Your highness may I speak freely..."

"Of course, your my daughter's friend, for what I take is a long time."

"That is true and that is why I can tell you with certainty, when Aemma was in King's Landing she could not handle the lose of her sister, so instead she made herself a new person. She created the Red Dread." I stated "At first it was the Red Dread, when you saw the Red cape fall from the sky it was a warning, the red dread was among you and when you saw the second warning, she was coming. Then when she won Dorne, she was crowned the Red Queen. Her marriage to Lord Beric Stark made her the Red Wolf and he managed to find herself again as Aemma."

"So you are telling me, my daughter is broken?"

"I am telling you, your daughter will do what is right for your family and hers. If she believe that is what her death is. Then she will accept it with the grace of a Queen."

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